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  1. Bara

    "How to solo", a Death Knight dungeonning guide.

    Ok thank you, I didn't mean to solo dungeons in unholy spec, sorry I explained myself badly. For that I obviously use blood spec. But in general how to increase the damage because I find it strange to very rarely see 4-digit numbers and I always have the feeling of doing something wrong. So you...
  2. Bara

    "How to solo", a Death Knight dungeonning guide.

    Dk enjoyer here. Can you tell me, in your opinion, what are the secondary statistics to focus on? I've tried different setups but I'm not satisfied with any of them. Maybe I'm used to seeing big numbers using other classes, or more likely I'm the problem because I'm not able to use it properly...
  3. Bara

    What did you loot today?=)

    If I remember correctly, regeneration scales with spell power.
  4. Bara

    What did you loot today?=)

    Stratholme living side from trash, looted with a level 10 lol
  5. Bara

    DF Chest Enchant

    the tooltip says to 'your' leg armor... so I don't think that's possible.
  6. Bara

    What did you loot today?=)

    Best in slot for kobolds twinks
  7. Bara

    WoD dungeons are garbage.

    Honestly, I have no preference between grinding tbc or wod dungeons. We've had worse times in the past, when BiS were just random items with high ilevel like these that scale your stats inside...
  8. Bara

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    Ok, so it's some kind of exploit? I see. I didn't understand how it was possible for someone to have those gloves. I thought they were grandfathered. Thanks for your answer.
  9. Bara

    Level 30 Super Theory-crafting Document

    Hello man, awesome work. I have a question, probably trivial, but practically in the last 3 expansions of the game I have only dedicated myself to the 20s bracket. How do I get these? Due to the level squish, all my old raid items are level 29 and Sunwell's gauntlets are level 34. Even the...
  10. Bara

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory Resto
  11. Bara

    What did you loot today?=)

    Recently, let's say after the last update before the anniversary, with my level 11 I noticed a drastic drop chance for epic upgrades in WOD dungeons. I haven't done any other tests because these days I'm grinding rep in alterac valley. I hope it's bad rng.
  12. Bara

    If you win Korrak's Revenge you get 20 badges and if you lose you get 10

    If you win Korrak's Revenge you get 20 badges and if you lose you get 10
  13. Bara

    How to solo as Warlock 20's ?

    Perhaps it sounds trite but pet autotaunt turns off when you enter an instance, so you’ll need to turn it back on every time.
  14. Bara

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    2.5 - 2.9k in some occasions i've seen over 3k with Balefire Branch on dungeon bosses
  15. Bara

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory Destro Lock I got tired of wod dungeons :Sadge:
  16. Bara

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory Vet Hunter
  17. Bara

    What did you loot today?=)

    Bajheric Bangle
  18. Bara


    I started farming warforged gear without the trinkets, but once I got my hands on the ooze the time to clean the instances decreased significantly. That thing melts the life bar of bosses and one shot trash mobs. I've never tried the totem. For the enchants most of them can only be applied on...
  19. Bara

    The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

    Hi everyone, I'm back a couple of weeks ago after a long stop. This is what I've been able to put together so far. Warrior Arms