Search results

  1. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    I am thinking about providing more detail on the items (stats/realm/etc) but not sure yet how to lay it all out and not have it turn into a huge wall of text...
  2. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you, Arkte! Very smooth and quick trade over multiple realms!
  3. US insane twink amulet for sale

    Sad to say I agree with ya... Anyways, based on what I've seen, a competitive price on that item would be around 250k. Nice haul on a drop! GL on the sale.
  4. US insane twink amulet for sale

    Ok, thanks for your comments. I agree with you about Bankofcanada :).
  5. US insane twink amulet for sale

    Well, I'm not a gold seller, so not sure why you are accusing me of being one. You seem to buy and resell actively. I'm not calling you a gold seller. Are you? Some twinks may be more price conscious than others, but that doesn't mean everyone is like you.
  6. US insane twink amulet for sale

    Just over 100k for an 875 Talisman +socket+leech? I see 3 of them in the US right now and they are all 500k+...
  7. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you, Ladyinred! Another smooth trade. Your rogue is beast mode!
  8. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Happy 4th of July! Updated list! Added: +SOCKET+LEECH 855 Fran's Intractable Loop 850 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart 840 Cainen's Preeminent Chestguard 840 Queen Yh'saerie's Pendant +SOCKET 875 Sameed's Vision Ring 870 Athrog's Dilemma
  9. EU+US 970 Legendaries dropping from Paragon rep chests

    No, this was not my drop, but someone linked in chat.
  10. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Just added! 880 +Leech+Socket Mavanah's Shifting Wristguards Leather Wrist
  11. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Another great trade! Thank you so much! Thank you for the smooth trade! Very quick and great communication throughout. Thank you!
  12. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you for the smooth trade! Great looking twink! You're going to be beast mode with those relics!
  13. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Great to see you back in the game! Grats on relic and thank you again on the smooth trade! Always a pleasure! Your twink is rocking! Thank you for finding my old boots and dirty pants! I was looking for them for a while... Nice and smooth trade, thank you!
  14. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Back from vacation! Item list has been updated. Please send me a PM with your offer if interested. Thank you!
  15. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you for the smooth and easy trade. You got an amazing twink!
  16. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you! Great trade!
  17. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you for the smooth trade!
  18. US WTS 101 Twink Gear (910 Relics, 810 Relics, 870+ Gear)!

    Thank you, Shaman Named Hex! Great trade! Super trade, thank you so much! You got a sick mage twink!! Awesome, thank you for the smooth transactions! Enjoy that +leech gear!
  19. EU+US Shadow priests any good ?

    Do you have a BM hunter twink?