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  1. Naxxramaskid

    US New 101 a couple questions!!

    World pvp wise assa is much better than sub but battleground wise sub is better than assa. A competent sub rogue can win every capture the flag bg by himself.
  2. Naxxramaskid

    EU WTS Fran's intractable loop ilvl 900

    Juicy...very juicy.
  3. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Broken Shores Rare Spawns

    Can you kill that sucker once a day or once a week?
  4. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US [Updated] Armory List

    Ghettogecko Undead Warlock Fresh 101 / Battleground toon. 819 ilevel / 13 traits Btw since when is deaths embrace a normal talent and not a honor talent anymore? That's awesome!
  5. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US Hype? [Legendary Drop]

    Gratz mate!
  6. Naxxramaskid

    Chester Bennington has passed away.

    That was pretty emo.
  7. Naxxramaskid

    Chester Bennington has passed away.

    That was pretty emo. By the way loss of a loved one (aka the apparent reason for his genius act) is part of life. Everybody has to deal with it sooner or later.
  8. Naxxramaskid

    Chester Bennington has passed away.

    Ok ok good one but that is my firm believe and not an attempt at trolling. I love life and I wish I could live forever. Now that guy is gone forever and will never come back. He threw away his chance at seeing the future / new and exciting technologies / good food / fun with friends / family /...
  9. Naxxramaskid

    Chester Bennington has passed away.

    He didn't "pass away"...he killed himself making him one hell of an idiot.
  10. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 109 for battlegrounds?

    I am beyond poor in WoW. It is a tragedy.
  11. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 109 for battlegrounds?

    Ah damn you're EU. Otherwise we could have done battlegrounds together.
  12. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 109 for battlegrounds?

    Well if want to twink at 109 and want to get the maximum itemlevel out of your gear/relics you should run dungeons until 109 and then do relic quests / quests in general.
  13. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 109 for battlegrounds?

    Aight thank's for the info mate! So far I don't see a reason to go 109 over 101 for battlegrounds... maybe @ShinyHero can explain to me why 109 is better for battlegrounds.
  14. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 109 for battlegrounds?

    i thought 109s could farm ap via class hall / follower missions?
  15. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US 109 for battlegrounds?

    Hey I'm looking to make a 101 or 109 holy paladin specifically for farming khan related achievements in battlegrounds. What are the advantages of 109 over 101 in battlegrounds / what gear to use and how does ap grinding work at 109?
  16. Naxxramaskid

    I beat the game of CS-Go :)

    Not to brag but I once had 120 islands in insel monarchie.
  17. Naxxramaskid

    EU+US DH101 - Tactical Headgun

    The one I have (1348 mastery) hasn't been obtainable for quite a while. At least not at 101 idk about 110 but I don't think it makes a difference.
  18. Naxxramaskid

    US Wpvp Locations?

    Bradensbrook in Val'Sharah is my favorite spot and actually the only spot I gank.
  19. Naxxramaskid

    best bracket to farm Khan?

    IoC doesn't seem to pop at 101-109 or at least not in under 45 minutes during prime time. Bummer
  20. Naxxramaskid

    Gnome is Love,Gnome is Life...

    Gnome is Love,Gnome is Life