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  1. US Trading +5 Stam Wrangler's for Game Time

    Trading BOTH sets of stam wrangler's (one has +9 stam on it) for one month of game-time. gogo
  2. US Trading +5 Stam Wrangler's for Game Time

    Trading +5 Stam Wrangler's for Game Time Hey guys, I have 2 sets of +5 stam Wrangler's on Garona US Horde. I'll trade both of them to you for a 60 day game card. The card will be used to activate the account and then I'll log on to my hunter and hand them to you. Please post here or...
  3. Finally Got It

    woo! 10chars
  4. Shadowfang & More

    Shadowfang and AB have been sold. +5 Stam Wranglers x2 still available. One has +9 stam enchant already.
  5. faction changes and rep.

    It's really not all that hard, just very time consuming. I still have a couple more quests to go until I'm 999/1000 with the last one (you're not exalted unless you're 999/1000 :P). Was actually pretty fun. Lots of people question you. "Did you get Ambassador at lvl 19?" Um, well, yeah...
  6. Entire Collection (SF, AB, More)

    The shadowfang might be available; the buyer hasn't responded since last night and was supposed to xfer over and PM/mail me but haven't heard anything yet. I'll keep you posted.
  7. Entire Collection (SF, AB, More)

    Gah, thank you Pork, I don't know why I missed that. Yes, I do have 3 of those, but I've been parting it out since I couldn't find a buyer. The Shadowfang is tentatively sold, and there is a few more smaller pieces missing. If you're interested in some of the other stuff, send me a PM, and I'd...
  8. Shadowfang & More

    I've been looking one for a while and haven't been able to get one. Never seen one on AH. Not sure how rare it really is, I could just have really rotten luck.
  9. Shadowfang & More

    Shadowfang spoken for, for now. Will update if/when sold.
  10. Shadowfang & More

    I'm sorry, no, I won't be accepting cash, only in-game currency. However there are a few items of interest that would bring down my asking price(s): Wrangler's Wristbands of the Monkey (3/3 only) Teebu's Blazing Longsword Recipe: Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops Darkwood Fishing Pole...
  11. Shadowfang & More

    Selling the following items, all on Garona US - Horde: Shadowfang with Lifestealing Enchant - 9k Assassin's Blade with +15 Agi Enchant - 1k Wrangler's Wristbands of Stamina x2 - 750 each If need be, I can move the items to Alliance, as I have toons there and would prefer the gold...
  12. US WTT Shadowfang+ More

    I totally understand what you're saying, and it is logical, but the part that you're unfortunately mistaken on is this: People are very verrry greedy when it comes to mounts, hence all the high costs and ninja stories. I'm not saying that you don't have a chance, but I am just trying to...
  13. US WTT Shadowfang+ More

    The spectral tiger codes don't differentiate between the 50% and the 100%. Therefore if you're looking to get one, they'd both probably cost about the same.
  14. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    it is possible that I could be very wrong but I haven't seen one in ages.
  15. Entire Collection (SF, AB, More)

    I think you may have missed the part where I said "I would likely take 12-13k for the entire list.". The 10.5k was only for the things in my last post. I am not selling only one piece; it's all or nothing.
  16. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    Not as high as a PoD, but they are just about as rare. I'd expect to pay nothing less than 10-15k, to be honest. I could be very wrong though, since I got mine in Vanilla :P
  17. [EU] WTB 39 stuff on Draenor Alliance

    Very good luck with that one. Gonna cost a lot :/
  18. Tabards are running out! :(

    I bought from that site a couple of years ago and they were wonderful. I think I first bought on their ebay store.
  19. 19 Hunter

    Why? 10chars