Search results

  1. We are alive - Alliance 60 Raiding and PvP Guild - <Oldschool>

    I will not be playing Nedreck anymore, hunter was too boring. I will be playing Paladin instead :) See pally in sig. I hope to xfer over to Kel'Thuxad soon.
  2. Prot healing

    I haven't tried healing as prot, but I've tried Tanking as Holy. It's fun :)
  3. Alliance warrior race

    You suck :(
  4. US Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom

    But you TOTALLY need two!
  5. US Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom

    Not sure if one still drops or not, but there's currently one on Frostmourne US for 15k on AH. You should go buy it ;)
  6. US Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom

    Toon is lvl 60. I'm gonna make switch him to ally right now though. It's a paladin and I hate blood elves.
  7. US Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom

    It's a possibility. It's on an oceanic server right now and I'm looking for a home for the toon. Where are you? I'm gonna be xferring anyway, might as well see if we can benefit from it. Currently horde side. Might be going dorf though.
  8. US Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom

    Not too shabby. Yay for extra loot :) wanna buy a PoD? hehe
  9. US Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom

    Price Check/Status on Pendulum of Doom Even though these got nerfed, are they still worth anything? Are they still BiS? I seem to have come in to possession of one and am considering my options. Thanks for your input, guys :)
  10. 19 Twink HUnter Pet :)

    There used to be a cool white one. A rare spawn in the Undead zone, west of undercity.
  11. Snow leopard pet, help please

    Snow Leopard - NPC - World of Warcraft
  12. US WTS Multiple Green Lenses (Oldschool, Stats)

    I'm interested in the "of Intellect" one. Have you had any offers? What server are they on, btw?
  13. DO NOT risk losing your account by buying from GAMEUSD!

    Well, again. It's all what your time is worth and what you want to do. I won't judge people for their choices or how they want to play the game.
  14. DO NOT risk losing your account by buying from GAMEUSD!

    It comes down to what is your time worth? Do I have time to farm for 3000g or do I want to spend $6 that I made in 10 minutes at my job? I have a good job, a wife, a son, and a very busy family life. When I log on to play the game, I'm looking to enjoy it. Not spend my limited time farming...
  15. DO NOT risk losing your account by buying from GAMEUSD!

    I've bought gold in the past, but never had any warnings at all because of it. Never used GAMEUSD though, so thanks for that. The ones that I've found reputable were and
  16. My Hunter Twink!!

    Yaups lol10chars
  17. We are alive - Alliance 60 Raiding and PvP Guild - <Oldschool>

    Level 60s that are on 'capped' accounts are now force-queued with toons that have their XP turned off, regardless of whether they paid to turn it off or not. BG's are not server or battlegroup based anymore, BUT this is causing some bugs. In essence, both of these issues are what's causing...
  18. We are alive - Alliance 60 Raiding and PvP Guild - <Oldschool>

    I have a hunter that I'd like to xfer and join with. I don't need a lot of gear, but I want to start achievement hunting. How's the enonomy on KT? Here's my Hunter: Twerk @ Whisperwind - Game - World of Warcraft
  19. US WTS Chan's, Formal Dangui, etc

    All things are sold. Thanks guys.
  20. US WTS Chan's, Formal Dangui, etc

    Formal Dangui is sold.