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  1. Taofight

    EU+US My thoughts on the Asmongold thing

    There are some cool good new players that I have had fun playing with.
  2. Taofight

    US 39's Armory List

    Alliance Holy Paladin Trâinwreckâinwreck
  3. Taofight

    asmingold Is coming

    I greatly appreciate their enthusiasm for fighting and killing levelers. I have not had that since 2004. "I think we did okay but we really did not do that well let's be honest" -Asmongold I think he is likable and entertaining.
  4. Taofight

    Old 39 rogue. Anything worth transferring him for?

    Hey guys is +43 spell power any good or should I delete my character? I have the sergeant title but I don't know if I should make space for a bank alt. I heard epics don't proc so my deadmans hand is useless right? Rogues are just not strong right now. And the few extra stat points you have on...
  5. Taofight

    39 or 59 bracket

    Rogues become good at the 59 bracket. 59 is way easier to twink not counting the extra levels. It's easy to get bis gear. But yeah just look at talents and see what or if you want something.
  6. Taofight

    US Arenas

    I don't like losing all my buffs to just face two levelers and potentially miss a BG pop while I am in there.
  7. Taofight

    Healers over dpsing everybody?

    One contributing reason healers do so much damage on the scoreboard is that they have an ever attentive pocket healer. Especially when positioned to be the last person alive from a fight and so have the highest uptime.
  8. Taofight

    Is 30-39 even good?

    49 has the imbalanced ramsteins trinket and sultraze. 39 is the best.
  9. Taofight

    US Bracket about to be shook!!!

    Jabz post your character's name.
  10. Taofight

    39 Class Tier List

    Jealousy would you link to your friend's wow character page please. I want to see all his items.
  11. Taofight

    39 Class Tier List

    Damn Axonn you why bothered my holy paladin :P Option on brackets 19 - people who want to play 19s do, those who don't don't. more twinks than any other bracket, you can 10v10, frag belts are stupid here. 29 - frag belts still stupid. lots of twinks, i prefer pace over 19s, like having mount...
  12. Taofight

    Status of speed enchants in BFA

    You missed a lot of posts on the subject! People were posting information like this. Not sure if this one was the last authoritative post but it could have been. So what Soda just said but written out. All of the "hybrid" movespeed options give 10% and 2 stats (despite the 8% tooltip)...
  13. Taofight

    Armory link for 69 disc please

    Nice collection of 19s. Won't it feel not as good if you are beating twinks partly because you have 9 levels on them of gear. Like not as satisfying, and you are disc on top of that the strongest class. You could go 79 there is not much difference and you won't have to listen to 60s qq unless...
  14. Taofight

    Are 39 druids even good?

    Your druid is really nice! Play it! For me as someone who played 29s mostly but is playing 39 this expansion so far. 1) a. Frag belts are still retarded at 29 but not a big deal at 39, my main reason b. Preference for the slightly different pace, gearing (the scaled epics are really cool)...
  15. Taofight

    First 39 twink

    Here is a gear template for 39 priest (any spec) These are all the BiS non GF items (except chest which is second best) Everything is easy to get except the scaled epics - For helm use the Engineering helm...
  16. Taofight

    Best bracket for spriest

    I'd say 59. I don't consider brackets above 59 brackets. You only need to go to 49 to get the stuff you want but 49s are stupid IMO (no offense to people who like the bracket you guys are not stupid).
  17. Taofight

    Wow classic news

    The worst part, leveling. Sounds horrible. Aka running simulator.
  18. Taofight

    Azerite Power Tuning, PvP Hotfixes for Sept 24, Prot Warrior Feedback, Vicious Saddle

    Hmm. Says 15% per stack right now. Don't remember it ever saying 20% per stack.
  19. Taofight

    EU+US Glass cannon - I need some advice :)

    Unless you have a healer healing you, you will do more damage with a max stat int/stam set because you can stay in the fight casting more spells more often. The extra damage is just not that much from glass cannon for what you lose. That is my experience. What is fun is going shadow with...
  20. Taofight

    How to get the "Frag Belt" without Northrend Engineering (Guide Video)

    I stopped playing my 29 priest because I don't like getting frag belted by you and your que group all at once.