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  1. Glitching into Goblin/Worgen starting zone.

    Done about half of the gilneas quests on my nelf druid level 10 xp ofF. Had to leave and come to work mid way so not sure how logging out is going to affect it. Will update you guys Later on. Want that awesome 2h mace xmog
  2. Glitching into Goblin/Worgen starting zone.

    For achievement farming it would still contribute to completed quests though right. If you start from the beggining of the goblin zone does it work? Or as you get to that level it bugs?
  3. Glitching into Goblin/Worgen starting zone.

    Woah cool. If your xp is turned off will the RAF summon still bring you?
  4. wow.. After a couple years I finally got my original Twink acc back!

    Sweet. Grats on getting your old toons back!!
  5. wow.. After a couple years I finally got my original Twink acc back!

    Miss that babe!! :) you still fot that rogue?
  6. Best ___?

    Thats whats in PTR atm anyway
  7. Best ___?

    Swiftmend cd removed , just costs casters rejuv. Will probably oom a lot faster though
  8. Best ___?

    Due to swiftmend changes will druids become best healer next patch?
  9. Eliminate Ferals with Flash Bombs | No more BM Monks

    I have recipe for sale medivh us horde
  10. Low levels in higher level content zones

    Would black temple work, for rep grinding?
  11. Low levels in higher level content zones

    do you set it to heroic then? or just enter in a raid group
  12. Low levels in higher level content zones

    So how do you do it. I tryed to enter naxx in a raid group on my level 10
  13. Low levels in higher level content zones

    How can you get into high level dungeons and raids on your Low level character? I want the achieves!!
  14. EU+US 10s Armory List

    Re: Level 10 twinks Armory List! Hey mate long time. If your druid has crescent staff i think due to its top end damage itd be BIS over the boa staff. (May be wrong with bg scaling) good to see you playing again!!!
  15. battle tags for pugs / wargames

    Add me: Healstrong#1270. Level 10 feral who enjoys getting 150 rejuv crits and rolled by priest and warr / ret.
  16. Level 10 - Versatility

  17. So... Whats your biggest crit? :)

    3.2k on a excavation digger in southern barrens with 3x sunder amour. Feral druid w/ 5 combo points and 25agi wep enchant
  18. Level 10 - Versatility

    it still exists on gear, you cannot see the benefit however it does work.
  19. Level 10 - Versatility

    Aim for any pvp resil also (boa trinket, weapon etc) Will make a lot of difference verse a 19 w/ scaling up