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  1. Optimal Guardian Druid Talents?

    I mostly agree with @Hashbrowns build with one modification. Early on, I got a lot more mileage out of Innate Resolve than Imp Survival Instincts. Once I got some epics, fights got easier and i eventually switched out Innate Resolve for Mangle just to speed fights up. The content I’ve done this...
  2. Ench help

    Level 61 Blue legs are better. You can gem +2 agi / +2 stam or +2 agi / +2 haste If you get an Epic Proc, Ring of Foul Mojo might be better depending on how you value Crit / Haste. But since your rings have speed on one and a...
  3. Dragonflight F2P Baseline Guide

    After getting epic chest proc yesterday, I decided to run Slabs today and try up those quest items. I guess I'm a DH player now :confused:.
  4. 20s Feral Druid: Bleed vs Bite

    Mastery also scales bleeds and does so better than either haste or vers. I think the only argument for haste at 20 is if you don’t want to put points into Tireless energy. Imo Mastery > vers > crit = haste
  5. Enchant Chest - Super Stats can no longer be applied

    So far, the SL enchants I’ve crafted require character level 50 to work. Currently, the only enchants that can be applied and work are BfA enchants. Which means most gear slots won’t have an enchant. This could all change if blizzard modifies required ilvl.
  6. Permanent burning rush warlock?

    Maybe EoG would proc and absorb some of the damage taken.
  7. Talents Preview Discussion [w/ Calaculator Link]

    Taking 3 points into glaives to get incap on DH feels real bad :PepeHands:
  8. Talents Preview Discussion [w/ Calaculator Link]

    According to this Venruki video, monks do get roll from leveling and the talent is just another charge.
  9. [Alpha] Base Skills and PvP talents at Level 20

    @Chops when you get around to rogue, could you click the poisons in the rogue spell book? I'm interested to know if we get access to Wound or Crippling poison at 20. TY in advance.
  10. Hunter Pet Damage Percentage

    Anybody have rough numbers on the percent of damage hunter pets do in pvp situations for each spec?
  11. Talents Preview Discussion [w/ Calaculator Link]

    Do they have a level floor? I must have missed that.
  12. Talents Preview Discussion [w/ Calaculator Link]

    The evoker tree looks really strong. Lots of interesting Utility including a BLEED dispel! R.I.P feral druids excited for finally getting Rip.
  13. Talents Preview Discussion [w/ Calaculator Link]

    Nerf to Rake Stun being a 2 pt talent in Feral Tree and removing the +damage to shred which was in the talent. I don't expect the Rogue stuff to stick as it is. It would be weird if they only had 3 rows of talents while all other classes had 4. More likely, I think they'll cut back to 1 root...
  14. Talents Preview Discussion [w/ Calaculator Link]

    What's up with Sub rogues getting 3 root nodes on their spec tree while every other class has 1? Maybe that's part of why Sub looks nasty? Big excited for feral to get Maim and Rip, but loss of Lunar insp means they might not have the combo points to do much. Hope I'm not wrong on that one...
  15. Profession prioritization for f2p?

    One tip I'd give to a F2P profession grinder is to make sure to spend gold on Frozen Orb. The gems you get from icy prism really cut down on the amount of gems you need to prospect. On both my rogue and my druid, I used about 30 Frozen Orb to get leveled to (it's green those last few levels and...

    @Chey I use a macro #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead][@target, harm, nodead][] Moonfire; I queued a few skirms and bgs today and I think it has something to do with being in cat form when you zone in. So if I'm cat form and zone into arena and I DON'T shift out into human form (like...

    Hey @Chey, What's with this Lunar Inspriation bug in arena skirms? Most times when I open with Moonfire, I get popped out of cat form and do the human Moonfire. Which costs me a global getting back in cat and then I can start doing stuff. It seems to work itself out after first Moonfire, but...
  18. 10.0 Predictions/Discussion

    I was super-hyped for the talent redesign when they announced it, but I'm slowly becoming less hyped. Just now, I decided to look at what talents I was playing on my chars (Feral, Assass, Windwalker, Enh, DH) and compare them to the talent tree in TBC. I assumed either 10 or 11 points in the TBC...
  19. Farming The Essence Focuser from Chests

    Pretty sure what you were getting was instead of The icon looks similar but Truncheon is BoP while Focuser is BoE. Plus, that drop rate is more in line with legacy loot on...
  20. Guardian druid for PvE LFG spam

    I don't believe Naga Hide is usable anymore. It requires ilvl 37 weapon which used to be doable with Bramble, but that's been nerfed for a while.