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  1. Edree

    What mount do you use in PVP?

    cant go wrong with the swift springstrider aka the lanky chicken
  2. Edree

    Anyone notice?

    my favorite is when chaos bolts turn 90 degrees to find its target
  3. Edree

    New 10-19 guild TwinksAlone-BleedingHollow

    New guild starting, we do 10-19 pve and pvp content on Bleeding Hollow Alliance. We will help you get geared if you're wanting to make toons. Come join us!
  4. Edree

    Multiboxing Ban

    glad you were able to get your shit back dude also refreshing to see a GM who actually cares
  5. Edree

    Warrior with All Talasites

    hatebringer, or reaver and rivendare i'd reckon then
  6. Edree

    hunters being sabotaged?

    just like in bfa when everyone was rolling arcane mage fotm fuck hunters and anyone who plays them just for the sake of being op
  7. Edree

    Multiboxing Ban

    levelers have always been sub 100 iq mongoloids this is not surprising
  8. Edree

    Warrior with All Talasites

    bramble+hatebringer/reaver imo or rivendare if you want to become the flash pair rivendare with hunger of the pack move speed on-kill trinket and war machine to become faster than god
  9. Edree

    What's your favorite class and why?

    lock is awesome this xpac destro is absolutely disgusting
  10. Edree

    What do you think/hope the next big live action movie franchise will be?

    there's so much lore for 40k there'd be room for a whole cinematic universe but im convinced that if given the chance execs would royally fuck over any attempts
  11. Edree

    What do you think/hope the next big live action movie franchise will be?

    the warhammer 40k: eisenhorn book series would be nice
  12. Edree

    70 still viable

    70s are still kicking, a group of us still play nightly on retail horde side (us) and there's another group called that 70s show who mostly does alliance retail and private servers OH! before I forget apparently someone from that 70s show is doing some 70s cash prize events idk when exactly but...
  13. Edree

    WTB Miniaturized Plasma Shield trade glitch

    In the title. toon is a 70 lock on BH hmu please.
  14. Edree

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    someone's just jealous, haven't found too many upgrades to those "useless" purples from bg crates yet but im always looking to up my stats
  15. Edree

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED)

    thanks man and you'll get them eventually :P
  16. Edree

    Veteran's Armory List (RETIRED) arcane mage
  17. Edree

    New TOOL song out

    only been waiting for almost a decade
  18. Edree

    A Conversation that's time is due

    the most immediate bandaid for this issue is to stop glorifying mass shooters / terrorism / domestic terrorism / serial killers in the news media. thats what they want and a lot of the time thats what their ultimate motive is
  19. Edree

    Foot Pedals for Hotkeys?

    buy a steering wheel to go with it and play arcane like you drive a car