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  1. archvaldor video about the twink bans

    And for a small patreon fee, you can learn about it when it's only a few weeks old.
  2. Is this really bannable??

    Short of the macro to bypass the experience eliminated debuff (which is silly in the first place, look at that list cletus posted), I did nothing that's even remotely a grey area imo, there's people who would say auto accepting an invite or auto accepting the role check is "automation." Either...
  3. Is this really bannable??

    I've had bad issues with that in the past, clearing the target, and then targeting separately ensures I get the right person.
  4. Is this really bannable??

    TBF, I was boosting my own toons (5 wow accounts under 1 bnet account) and I didn't get banned. 11 twink full screen on one monitor, other 4 on second monitor. I used WowOpenBox to place / control the windows. The toons on follow use a macro to follow me that I stick on a button bound to a mouse...
  5. Is this really bannable??

    I think it's probably good to separate out boosting your own toons vs boosting others. There's some believe that boosting others for gold / cash (RMT) factored in as well.
  6. Is this really bannable??

    100% agree, it's why I never ran my 11 with any one other than myself. I saw the hatred early on in timewalking when I didn't even have my 11's yet.
  7. Is this really bannable??

    I'm not that friend, but I was doing the same exact thing. I've stopped (I leveled 14 toons to 80 on Monday, haven't touched it since) just to be safe. I have over 300 toons 70+, and managed to get 146 of them to 80 prior to the ban. I'm not banned, but going to dial it back a bit and see what...
  8. Is this really bannable??

    ^ You're Don't throw stones from glass houses..
  9. Is this really bannable??

    Can any addon in game "mirror keystrokes to multiple game clients?"
  10. Is this really bannable??

    That's the thing, I've not been banned. What exactly have I been doing that's violating the ToS? Clicking a macro? Queueing up with 5 accounts? Multi-boxing (I alt-tab between the windows, no 3rd party software used)? I'm really curious.
  11. Is this really bannable??

    Speed limits are defined in law. Blizzard has a policy that defines the rules for multiboxing and the use of third party software to "mirror keystrokes to multiple game clients." No where does it mention addons. And as I have said before, they 100% have the ability to require that a physical key...
  12. Is this really bannable??

    I was a heavy multi-boxer prior to the change, and I still multi-box today. I know what blizzard means by "automating inputs" and an addon clicking "ok" on a role check doesn't fall into that category in my mind.
  13. Is this really bannable??

    I will agree to disagree with you there.
  14. Is this really bannable??

    I was using the macro up until Monday (got busy with work since than). I had leveled 80+ toons doing so in the last 2-3 weeks. I just cancelled my account my twinks were on.
  15. Is this really bannable??

    I know what you're saying, but as I said, if you start thinking this way, than literally every thing every addon does falls into this category.
  16. Is this really bannable??

    If you're disabling XP, it's the same as a level 11. The purpose is to use a trial account where you can no longer gain XP at 20, and thus you can queue for dungeons in a group, etc. with out having the XP disable buff hitting the entire party. It works the same way at 70 on an account that...
  17. Is this really bannable??

    Same, I have only been using a twink to level my army of 70+ toons to 80. It's been a nice break, and allows me to run 4 at a time up (exactly how I leveled them in remix). I'm building up a level 20 now to use instead of my 11's as there's no macros, queueing up separately, etc. required to do...
  18. Is this really bannable??

    What you're suggesting is to play with ZERO addons because at any point Blizzard could permaban people. Same with macros, heck might as well say "don't play the game." That's why I said it's a slippery slope argument. There is zero difference between auto accepting a role check (something they...
  19. Is this really bannable??

    That's a slippery slope than. That's like saying any addon that auto turns in a quest is technically against ToS. The vast majority of addons are made to trivialize something (lets go back to vanilla, fast quest text for example) and I see this ability as nothing more than that. Mine only auto...
  20. Is this really bannable??

    I run 5 accounts at a time, it's why I use it, makes queueing much easier than having to alt-tab between all 5. I still have to alt-tab to accept the queue, so not saving me a ton of time, but it's a convenience item. I've been using it for years like I said. And they can easily block that if...