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  1. Umren just posted a video on 110 Twinking....

    Basically, he mentions certain gear in the beginning and in the description of the video. Oh and someone here gets mentioned as well in the video. If you watch the video, you'll know who it is. He doesn't name them but I knew immediately who it was. Was debating on whether or not I should post...
  2. 110s weekly mythic quest

    I should level an Alliance to 110 so I can help you do them on Alliance since you helped me on my Horde Huntard the other day.
  3. 110s weekly mythic quest

    It was for US too. I haven't checked what this weekly is though.
  4. Getting ilvl 295 gear from final quest lines requires neck lvl 10

    I didn't even have 10 levels on my neck when my DK got all 3 300 pieces lol. My Hunter though, he's around level 7 neck with the scroll quest helm and 2 285 pieces (after 5 ilvl upgrade). I just finished the second zone on him, about to start Zandalar later today. It's possible to get all 3 295...
  5. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    I'm trying to test it out for myself, you can't zone in on your own at 110. Currently looking for a Warlock so I can try getting summoned in. So, I joined a regular party - didn't get zoned in. I joined a raid group - didn't get zoned in. Have yet to try a Warlock summons, but I doubt that'll...
  6. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    For those stating it wasn't fixed, provide your proof or stop trying to lie on a public forum where people will bitch and whine about it on official forums. Also, the Armory's of other people are those who got them a while back.
  7. Mythic runs for Horde?

    Any Horde wanna do Mythic dungeon runs for Legion?
  8. peofessions: engineering and what

    Well paint me blue and call me a smurf, that's fantastic news.
  9. peofessions: engineering and what

    You can use enchanting for the hearthstone CD I know, but it'll stay on after as well? Cause I have it on my DK Twink and I use it mostly to DE shit.
  10. EU+US Armor Upgrades From Quest

    Not to me. I used to be like 3rd in the twink market on Illidan as well as the twink gear that I'd flip. It was all thanks to a guy who bought an 810 Relic that I ended up buying off the AH for super cheap, he gave me like 700k or something I think. I made a good profit and ended up getting my...
  11. EU+US Armor Upgrades From Quest

    I mean if you're rich as hell, I don't see any issue with this. Unfortunately, my ass is more broke than a hooker in Taiwan. Though I am unsure if that actually makes sense because I don't know how much they make in Taiwan. Anyway, my point is that's great if you got the gold or extra $$, but if...
  12. 340 ilvl epics for 110-119?

    Is that what happened to your Druid? Someone reported you and your character got stripped?
  13. US Seeking Handful of Dedicated 110's

    Aiight yeah, that sounds good then. I used to run the Twink market on Illidan mostly for those who didn't mind being run by someone who wasn't a Boomkin. I was the only Frost DK Twink on Illidan thanks to @norcal313 basically inspiring me to make a Frost DK Twink after watching him destroy shit...
  14. US Seeking Handful of Dedicated 110's

    Well, the thing is that since our damage scale is nowhere near the scale of being 101 in Legion, it's more difficult. Although on my UH DK I can practically solo groups of about 5 or so elites in a dungeon with no issue, it's just that it'll take longer to down them. I'm sure 2 twinks would be...
  15. US Seeking Handful of Dedicated 110's

    How do you plan on doing the dungeon selling?
  16. Getting ilvl 295 gear from final quest lines requires neck lvl 10

    I got 3 300ilvl pieces (295ilvl originally) from doing all quest lines in all zones. This was when my neck was around like level 5-7.

    I'm on Illidan Horde as well, weird how I've never seen you before.
  18. Monk Twinks - leech or no?

    I have 0 leech on my 101 Frost DK and I can pull the entire hall of HoV without dying, I may come close if I'm being stupid but I don't need leech due to the armor making it so I take very little damage. I've talked to other Twinks who use 0 leech and come out just fine. I'll think about the...
  19. Monk Twinks - leech or no?

    I've decided to make a WW Monk twink as Alliance on a server completely separate from my main Horde server where I have my Frost DK twink. Was curious about leech for Monks. Should I get pieces with leech for him or will he not need it? I'm not really interested in making millions of gold off...