Search results

  1. mattqdean

    EU+US Which class (level 20) has the most fun kit?

    Thanks, @Crystalpall . I will be testing out druid and monk. I did try a rogue and it felt like I was in stealth most of the time because I was too weak or outnumbered. If I can have great survivability and have "a lot" of things I can press/do as a druid or monk, I'll definitely stick with...
  2. mattqdean

    EU+US Which class (level 20) has the most fun kit?

    Brand new to WoW. Would like to try out a trial account before purchasing the game. I am open to playing any class. I just want something that is fun. I know that it's subjective but would like each of you guys' take on the classes. Druid Mage Monk Paladin Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior
  3. mattqdean

    EU+US August 26th PvP hotfix (new class tier?)
  4. mattqdean

    EU+US Class tiers first impressions?

    @Jetlife , which would you say is more fun overall (considering all 3 specs) - paladin or priest? Would you say that Ret is much stronger than Disc? What is your opinion on hunter? I see hunters with 44 KB in screen caps but no one seems to think that hunter is considered top tier. I'd really...
  5. mattqdean

    US Exactly what drives people away from 19s

    @Flaxy , do you know if Disc priests remain dominant in 20-29 bracket randoms? I'm really wanting to play Ass rogue (mostly because I find stealth to be best for survivability), but is the power gap between Disc priest and the rest very wide that Disc priest don't die?
  6. mattqdean

    US [Discussion] Interesting reddit post on random BG winrate balance Do you guys think that there will be less lopsided-ness between factions come Legion?
  7. mattqdean

    EU+US At 20, can I remain relevant without participating in invasions?

    @Cigarette, thanks for reaffirming that my concerns were non-issues!
  8. mattqdean

    EU+US At 20, can I remain relevant without participating in invasions?

    @Ðeath, thanks for your reply. Few more questions - what is the highest item level obtainable via PvP boxes? Is the gap a (mere) difference of +/- 1 attribute point or would the difference still be fairly noticeable, just not significant?
  9. mattqdean

    EU+US At 20, can I remain relevant without participating in invasions?

    I'll be returning to 20-29 bracket some time next month, long after the invasions cease. I understand that PvP scaling revolves around item level. Do the invasions give players exclusive, best-in-slot items for PvP? Would those joining afterwards be at a (significant) disadvantage for not...
  10. mattqdean

    EU+US Initial PTR thoughts...

    Do you mean @ level 20 or 29? For F2P/Vets, which spec(s) seem ahead of others for random BGs? I'm hearing Survival, Ret, MW, Boomkin will be strong candidates whereas Fury, Disc, and Enh are trailing behind. Can anyone confirm if this is consistent at level 20 (and not level 29)? How is (level...
  11. mattqdean

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    The list has been corrected and updated. Thank you.
  12. mattqdean

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    These changes are from Wowhead's datamining article (Wowhead). Thank you for your time and help.
  13. mattqdean

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    The list has been corrected and updated. Thank you.
  14. mattqdean

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    The list has been corrected and updated. Thank you.
  15. mattqdean

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    I would like to invite TI members to engage in an insightful, non-toxic discussion on how the class meta will change for arenas and battlegrounds. If you see anything missing or incorrect, please let me know. Thank you guys! 7.0 NOTES Disclaimer: All changes listed below are not final and...
  16. mattqdean

    Any Questions? Ask Them Here! Get your 3 posts!

    With Legion's class changes as seen on Wowhead, what do TI veterans think will be the new meta (fotm) classes for F2P bracket?