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  1. PTR Share your best Classic Experience.

    Too many good memories to list. I remember my main was lock and I knew a way to solo farm Maraudon and used that as a way to fund my 19 twink which I was way too poor to make some of the more gear reliant classes, so I made a 19 warlock stacked with mostly lvl 19 green +stam gear. Still bis in...
  2. Official release date announced:

    Time to lose all my leave days.
  3. GF'ed 'Dog Whistle' Twinks.

    Not sure if I have anyone with a dog whistle. Probably not. Do have 3 DMH’s though one on pally, mage and shaman. I think my Shaman got it in 4 runs. Shaman also has skullbreaker and forlorn crescent axe which could have been nice dual wield mongoose weapons if enhance was ever not dog poop at...
  4. Fastest way to lvl to 20

    For alliance I do the Gnoll camp in Westfall closest to the Elwynn forest border. Been using this for years as questing is boring as hell. They instantly respawn as long as there’s around 3 or fewer left alive. Ranged characters can take even more advantage of this using a /tar macro and just...
  5. EU+US Chops F2P Warrior Guide

    There seems to be nothing special about the 4-second point. With no haste at all, Enrage's built in haste bonus causes Bloodthirst to be a 3.6 seconds cooldown, already lower than the 4 second Enrage duration. Theoretically the only meaningful milestone after 0% haste is 100% base haste, 125%...
  6. How to get 29 greens?

    Just checked on a mid-30s toon and it's 30-60 it can be queued for. The main thing I'm wondering is what level would be best? On my 29 I've gotten as low as level 21 boe greens and up to 29 as well. Maybe it's just a random range of -8 through -0 levels? No idea how this works.
  7. How to get 29 greens?

    Those blues are static and don’t scale which makes it useful to farm on a high level. Wowhead has pretty much all the info on what it drops.
  8. How to get 29 greens?

    I was thinking of leveling a hybrid level 34 or so character to run tank/dps/heals for rando groups and just get boes that way. Anyone know of an optimum level for this?
  9. How to get 29 greens?

    I was thinking that about Maraudon runs too... there's no quick way to reset them except by hearthing. Sounds pretty painful. I tried RFK and everything was scaled up. I'll try some more though and see if I get any luck. Edit - and as for skullbreaker, it was an easy choice as mage can't use...
  10. How to get 29 greens?

    So, I’m looking into updating some of my 29s. Apparently arcane mage is one of the more scumbaggy ones so I might as well go with that. I have an old frost mage from Wotlk days I twinked and then they removed everything about mage that I liked in cata, so she’s kind of been gathering dust...
  11. Classic 20-29 Guide and Discussion

    29 paladin FC was basically the ret build but with parry and PoJ with stam boots and stam enchant. Seal of command proc’d lifesteal as well for a little extra reason to go that route. Never saw anyone go full 20 prot, but maybe you could with full-time healer diapers to prevent you from crapping...
  12. The Originals 14th Anniversary Get your loot!

    Solo'd (essentially) Azuregos as prot paladin. Took 57 minutes based on my damage done divided by dps. A druid came by and helped at the end saving me about 3 minutes. I think the only thing that made it possible is how much it casts frost breath. Got gold. Haven't been able to solo Kazzak...
  13. Classic Twinking

    I did some brief 19s in late vanilla and mostly 29s after that. I may do 29 again but also may look into higher brackets though.
  14. Next Timewalking looks promising for 111-119

    Just posting here my theorycrafting from another thread. Numbers may be a bit off due to me approximating what these items will be at 310. This includes stacking secondary rings over main stat rings. And I can’t even remember if I included trinkets in this. So this is just a rough guesstimate...
  15. Confirmation about weekly azerite decrease

    That’s probably how it works. I went with mine because I never notice the number required lowering after reset whether I just dinged or was just about to ding. But I also don’t watch it like a hawk either, so I’m probably wrong. Pretty typical these days for Blizzard to only explain...
  16. Confirmation about weekly azerite decrease

    Short version. Your neck AP requirement shifts 1 step lower every week past level 10 (with a floor of 1K) on each Tuesday. This affects your next level and farther, not your current level when tuesday reset hits.
  17. Enhancement Shaman (119)

    The rares are only one time kill except for one which is Crushtacean which I think is currently bugged. No sockets or any other upgrade procs on tw gear. Only thing is 10 ilvls worth of the stats which are already on the gear to go to 310 ilvl from 300. If you really want you could get a glass...
  18. Enhancement Shaman (119)

    Upgrade from gear will be your next best. You can get up to ilvl 305 from gear proccing epic on 290 green quest gear. Dungeon gear, BG chests, rares will all provide Ilvl 273 which is awful. I don't have any experience as enhance shaman or fire mage, but I've seen a few enhance shamans be...
  19. two short questions ... and a wish

    Interesting. I still don't know how that happens. Never got a 305 azerite piece as a Paladin. TW gear is basically just Ilvl 300 versions of the gear drops from the dungeon back in the day. You get them per boss depending on what you're looking for. Your Adventure guide has timewalking...
  20. two short questions ... and a wish

    I've only seen one case where someone's azerite item is 305 and I believe it has to do with the fact that they faction swapped, but I don't know exactly how that caused it or if it can be repeated. So no, it's not normal or typical to have a 305 azerite item at 119. And yeah, 310 is from...