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  1. Mrcer

    39 Aff Lock

    Cér @ Moon Guard - Community - World of Warcraft My biggest concern is my weapon enchant. i know at 19/29s elemental force #hype is real but it seems like it gets quickly diminished by 39s high health pools. Any critiques would be appreciated! Also anyone know the stats on green lens of the...
  2. Mrcer

    Neckjuice - 39 warrior

    put pacifier on offhand for stronger wildstrikes. or if u want overall higher dmg/crusader up-time dual-wield pacifier. Revelosh shoulders of the bear gives more stats than satchel ones do. Noxxion's Shackles gives better stats if you are going to use revelosh wrists of AP. Minor speed to...
  3. Mrcer

    Blast from the past.

    Might as well post this then
  4. Mrcer

    When you BM in arena then this happens

    200 flame shock crit, not bad not bad
  5. Mrcer

    Twin Peaks > WSG?

    I was wondering how other people felt about queing Twin Peaks instead of WSG? Larger Map than WSG Cannot jump into GY/Harder to camp GY Different CTF Terrain than what we've been used to since 04' Twin peaks cuz WSG gets old? Because we can and 19s/29s can't Hopefully I'm not alone...
  6. Mrcer

    <jcm> Looking for premades

    +1 Lets get in on some twin peak action plz
  7. Mrcer

    #realtalk Affliction lock hype

    What glyph is everyone using? Atm im using glyph of unstable affliction
  8. Mrcer

    #realtalk Affliction lock hype

    Almost done gearing up my affliction lock and I gotta say, loving the numbers and it's viablity. Seed of corruption almost Instantly puts all my corruption out on everthing. Not to mention, with all 3 dots up + drain soul Is doing some serious dmg. I kno there's a lot a h8 on enh/bm being...
  9. Mrcer

    Stepping Up as Bracketmaster + 39 ARENA Night

    m8 i dun h8 but as long as you bring about moar locks and mages and less enh/bms; i continue to subbort you w/out h8.
  10. Mrcer

    39's Class Tier List !

    Locks are tier 1. huehuehuehue @makingmeleeunplayable. EDIT: on a real note though, aff lock's single target damage with drain soul; it's really real.
  11. Mrcer

    An Update After Last Nights Qs

    yeah but then they'd have to give up their root ): and it's on a 1 min cooldown within 40 yards.
  12. Mrcer

    An Update After Last Nights Qs

    Without a doubt, enhance shamans are incredibly strong. BM monks aren't terribly OP in comparison to 29s. But Frost mages and Aff locks have so much control over Melee it's unreal. Rather than: "If you can't beat them, join them" I'm just gonna reroll a "If you can't beat them, Annoy the shìt...
  13. Mrcer

    An Update After Last Nights Qs

    Last night experience: Need more locks, mages, and healers.
  14. Mrcer

    39s popping, solo Q WSG!!!

    kind of want to make a frost mage with all the enhance running around. cc them for life.
  15. Mrcer

    Trading 39 GF enchant gear for unearthed band!

    how about 200k gold?
  16. Mrcer

    39s popping, solo Q WSG!!!

    im actually surprised it isnt a melee fest. time to make the ele sham dream real :)
  17. Mrcer

    39 Queue List

    Can you also put in the time we are going to be queing up at?
  18. Mrcer

    Green Lens

    Transferring to shooks guild? wut wut? Shook
  19. Mrcer

    Green Lens

    Even some of the crappy/common green lens are worth a few 1k due to how hard it is to gather up the mats.
  20. Mrcer

    39's Class Tier List !

    I imagine mw healing pretty good. Considering they have an extra trinket and an interrupt. and some aoe healing. Boomkins, assuming they get good rng procs; can probably dish out a lot of starsurge dmg and dot spread as fillers. plus solar beam! I'm really curious as to guardian dps with...