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  1. Mrcer

    Accurate Tier List of Classes that matter at 39

    I think you need to get hit by a few more enhancement shamans if you place them in tier 1. And yes aff locks and frost mages are doing really good. This list isn't accurate.
  2. Mrcer

    nastay u gonna call me trash mate

    why did i read every post in this thread
  3. Mrcer

    Rate my 39 Mistweaver please

    Especially in this bracket, healers can't afford to not stack stam. I'll see how it fits this Saturday
  4. Mrcer

    Rate my 39 Mistweaver please

    Cër @ Moon Guard - Community - World of Warcraft
  5. Mrcer

    I hate uldaman

    Back before Revelosh drops didn't alway drop perfect stats(you could get 1-3 different variations of the eagle, monkey, etc etc), I had over 1000 runs on my 39 paladin. Thank god they changed it and made it so you can now complete 10 runs within 60 minutes rather than 5 per 60 minutes. #begrateful
  6. Mrcer

    A plea to everyone playing in the revival

    I think I might make another 39. Probably Rdruid. Used to FC back in BC so maybe I'll run around with a FC set and a Healing Set? I remember someone saying Rdruids are also viable healers. Considering Rdruid heals are stronger than Hpal heals at 19 and 29 and all the new healing spells at 39...
  7. Mrcer

    Footage for a teaser/bracket Video and You!

    Twitch From last night. Idk how to render it and uploading it to youtube isn't working atm.
  8. Mrcer

    Green Lens

  9. Mrcer

    EU+US 39's Gear Scaling & Non-Scaling List

    non-scaling: Green lens of Sorcery - 9 Stam + 13int + 13stam + 13haste
  10. Mrcer

    Green Lens

    green lens of sorcery = 22 stam 13 int 13 haste
  11. Mrcer

    39 Aff Lock

    I hear your words. But EF isn't capped at 10 PPM. It scales with haste. EF is weak as fuk. will play around with other enchants and see what i find.
  12. Mrcer

    39 Mistweaver/Aff Lock PoV - If you wanna watch games

    Twitch Live streaming. Enjoy<3
  13. Mrcer

    bring back before the merge twinking please

    It aint crying. This is twinkinfo. "info". It's stating a fact. Caster's damage isn't viable outside of Shadow priests. Normally I would say they are a utility class, but at 39 most classes already have so much CC. If you wanna be ranged with CC, just play a hunter. at least they do damage that...
  14. Mrcer

    bring back before the merge twinking please

    I've concluded that the only reason to play a caster is not to deal dmg. Aside from Shadow priests who are probably the only casters who can keep up in damage with the melee(but have absolutely no CC), you might as well play a Hunter.
  15. Mrcer

    39 Aff Lock

    I'm stacking haste for a lowered GCD so I can spread dots faster.
  16. Mrcer

    39 Public Teamspeak

  17. Mrcer

    TP/WSG Saturday Aug 15 6 EST

    SATURDAY HYPE Playing aff lock :)
  18. Mrcer

    39 Armory Thread

    Cér @ Moon Guard - Community - World of Warcraft aff lock powah
  19. Mrcer

    US 39's Battle Tag List

    if I am not already up: mrcer#1372
  20. Mrcer

    39 Revival Summer 2015

    Order of things 39s need: More Players > Healers > Dedicated FC > Casters > Melee. According to the forums, horde was lacking numbers last week but i think that was fixed. We will have to see when tomorrow comes.