Search results

  1. Tabard of the ebon hold

    I'm pretty sure you're mistaken.
  2. Tabard of the ebon hold

    Hmm, I didn't think you were able to buy it. The quartermaster is phased out until a chain is completed, or at least it used to be that way.
  3. Mage or Warlock?

    I also just noticed that it looks like a necessity for a Mage to level to 24 since they receive two milestone spells at that level for Frost and Arcane; Fingers of Frost and Arcane Missles, respectively. However, it seems the only spells Warlocks learn for any spec beyond level 22 is Eye of...
  4. Mage or Warlock?

    Hey guys, I was hoping for some opinions and input merely on the decision between making a Mage or a Warlock. I know next to nothing about both, but seem to think that either Ice or Arcane are the "preferred" Mage specs, while Warlocks typically are using Destruction. Anybody have one or both...
  5. F2P "Ironman" Experiment

    Sounds like a bad experiment, but whatever floats your boat. You're purposefully going to gimp yourself and your teams, which is infuriating for the people that are forced to group with you. Yeah, you're going to try your hardest to be useful... That's great. A totally naked level 20 running...
  6. 5.3 hunts are as good as in Cata as now?

    Why don't you compose a complete and coherent thought, then try again.
  7. Bye Bye Human Hello Nightelf

    Tink cooldown is 2 minutes? I'm still not following ...
  8. Bye Bye Human Hello Nightelf

    What am I missing here? Why would patch 5.3 make people want to consider Night Elf over Human?
  9. Can the Alliance slingshot/float themselves from the Horde WSG base roof?

    It appears the Horde is able to from the Alliance roof since it's wide enough to walk on and extends further out. However, the roof of the Horde base is slanted and comes to a sharp point which causes you to fall lower on either side. Seem kinda unfair that Horde can use a speed boost +...
  10. Rogue over Feral?

    Yeah, I mean poisons, Kick, and Sap/Gouge were the only things I could think that Rogue have at their disposal that Feral doesn't. Weird sidenote question: Can Night Elves Shadowmeld into Cat Prowl to get out of combat into stealth? I know NE Rogues can obviously Shadowmeld in Stealth...
  11. Rogue over Feral?

    It seems commonly held that In the 20-24 bracket, Rogues are the kings of melee DPS. However, the more I look at Druids and what they have in their toolset, I wonder why more people aren't manning Feral Druids. Don't they bring similar damage/pressure (aside from not having an Ambush-type...