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  1. US State of 20-29 bracket PvP in BfA...

    Hey all, I haven’t played WoW since maybe June or July before BfA launched. I’m just curious how things are going in this bracket, as I spent by far most of my time in 20-29 BGs. Any major changes? Same old same old? Is the difference between all random white gear and BiS still only like 1-2%...
  2. US Why does <Stuck at Graveyard> lose so much?

    I'm embarrassed for you by how clever you think are, haha. You still haven't even remotely proven what you set out to do, Swagg. Keep wowing us with your halfwit troll logic and pretending you're making me angry, bae. I like it.
  3. US Why does <Stuck at Graveyard> lose so much?

    You're not doing a very good job of not acting obsessed, are you? You quite literally are trying to build a portfolio of screenshots as proof that you won a random Bg in WoW in the 20-29 bracket. I mean, what am I missing here? You're so awkward, you actually logged into xpoff right after...
  4. US Why does <Stuck at Graveyard> lose so much?

    Your insistence on arguing and proving a point which, admittedly, you're unable to even do shows yes, you are infatuated with the guild. Or maybe you just like flirting with the members? Your name doesn't make you a creep, it makes you a D bag. Using the word "cuck" leads me to believe you're...
  5. US Why does <Stuck at Graveyard> lose so much?

    Who knows, but you clearly have some weird infatuation with the guild. Also, seeing as your name is Swaggasaurus and you enjoy using the word "cuck" like an even bigger creep, I'm sure no one in the guild would care even if your random, unsubstantiated claim was true. /yawn
  6. EU+US Is Enhancement any good?

    Is it generally agreeable amongst the 20-29 twinkling community that Ret is better than Enhancement? I feel like Ret and Surv were absolutely in a class of their own with no competition like 4 months ago. Survival still definitely is, but Ret seems to have fallen off for some reason.
  7. EU+US Is Enhancement any good?

    And don't you go OOM after like 4 Healing Surges? It says it takes like a quarter of your mana per cast.
  8. EU+US Is Enhancement any good?

    Interesting. And nice screenshots — don't believe I've ever been in a BG with you, but impressive nonetheless. I like seeking out specs that are more unique to the bracket and Enhance definitely seems to fit the bill. I think if it was really "Survival Hunter with heals", there would be WAY...
  9. EU+US Is Enhancement any good?

    Just curious... I feel like I've only seen a few since I started messing around in the 20-29 bracket, but that doesn't mean they're not out there or they're bad (necessarily, ha). Anyone have one, play one, or play with one? I just want to know what their damage is like and if it would even be...
  10. EU+US Alliance Shaman race

    Sick of waiting 50 minutes to get into a BG, only to have Horde stacked with three healers and Alliance knobjobs with zero. Will be rolling a Resto Shaman and am interested to hear whether you think Draenei, Dwarf, or Pandaren would be the way to go racial-wise... I'm basically wondering if...
  11. EU+US Urgent Hunter Question

    WoW literally wouldn't exist if the game was balanced to appease the 20-29 bracket. But yeah, it would be nice. Game will always be balanced around end-game raiding, which trickles down to end-game PvP, which trickles down like peepee to all the other weird, obscure niches in this game, such...
  12. EU+US Ray of Frost, good lord...

    Yeah, Surv got ANOTHER damage buff, lol. Anyhow, here's the way I usually approach a fight vs. Survival on my Mage (who is Night Elf, btw)... I'll try to bait them into using a charge of Throwing Axes, which my Ice Barrier absorbs. They'll usually either Harpoon to you, or use their second...
  13. EU+US Ray of Frost, good lord...

    Everything you said is absolutely correct. I play level 29 characters, but do my best to stay away from the super OP cheese specs. Ice Barrier, Fingers, Brain Freeze and Counterspell make a MASSIVE difference.
  14. EU+US Ray of Frost, good lord...

    Yeah, I mean I was basically assuming in the situation that your opponent doesn't leave the 40-yd range and doesn't use kick, stun, interrupt, incapacitate, etc. Lock's Drain Life is totally absurd right now, lol. I play an Affliction Lock too that I actually do really well on talented for...
  15. EU+US Ray of Frost, good lord...

    100% of the time, a Mage's Ray of Frost can one-shot any character in the 20-29 bracket, 100-0, if they aren't bubbled or actively receiving heals while it's channeling. Even if they are receiving heals, the ramped up burst will very often still kill them. Discuss. Having hella fun on my Mage...
  16. EU+US MW Monks can solo any class/spec in the 20-29 bracket

    A). You shouldn't be getting killed a lot if you're any good or a twink... we're on a twink site, so I imagine you're probably just not good. B). Do you keep a running tally of who kills you? C). 20-29 is mostly moutherbreathing backpedaler Surv Hunts at this point, so you probably are...
  17. EU+US MW Monks can solo any class/spec in the 20-29 bracket

    You're telling me you never find yourself fighting another player without outside interference in instanced PvP aka BGs and Arenas? Is your name Gilbert Grape in real life or are you just trying to be a dick? I submit it's probably both.
  18. EU+US MW Monks can solo any class/spec in the 20-29 bracket

    Discuss. Actually probably hardest to kill a competent Disc Priest, but certainly can. Surv? No problem. Arms? No problem? Ret? No problem. Mobility/paralysis and Mistealk (if you want to talent it) give you the opportunities you need to get away and heal and MW damage is actually solid...
  19. EU+US Arms vs. Ret

    Curious as to which you prefer when playing BGs in the 20-29 bracket. I see pros and cons for each. Personally, Warrior looks a little more fun to me, but seems like it kind of relies on having someone tossing heals to you to really maximize what you can do. Anyone on here play one or both...
  20. EU+US Patch 7.1.5 changes — anything worth mentioning?

    What am I missing here? I don't see Survival Hunters with Disengage until they can talent it at 45, which has nothing to do with this bracket.