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  1. asmingold Is coming

    This guy definitely knows what's up.
  2. asmingold Is coming

    I wanna add that this is really not a bad thing. Sure he brings in a lot of ally players so the bracket might be uneven for a few weeks. But this is great for the community, I'm sure alot of those players who join in will stay and twink in several brackets. It's never a bad thing when a twink...
  3. Doomplate set bonus 69.

    How's the proc rate on the 4-set bonus?
  4. Doomplate set bonus 69.

    Thanks alot, I'll need it!
  5. Doomplate set bonus 69.

    You're an all star! Thanks a lot my dude
  6. Doomplate set bonus 69.

    Hello, Does the Doomplate set bonuses work? If so, is it worth losing a few gems over? Seems like the extra crit and the proc would be pretty solid for an arms warrior. Would love some opinions. Peace out, girl scouts
  7. Headless Horseman

    20+ unfortunately mate, so no 19s or lower can queue or enter.
  8. EU ISelling Demon Band x2

    Still selling 2x level 19 Demon Band, Gloves of the Fang 19, Blackened Defias Gloves 19, Defias Renegade Ring level 20, Keller's girdle 18. All on Silvermoon-EU-Ally
  9. Item scaling and stuff

    All instance rewards are scaled to your level when you loot them, so as long as you're high enough level to enter the instance you can loot and it will scale up to whatever level you are.
  10. Cross Realm Gold sending? Is an option too, you get someone from the realm you got gold on to invite your twinks, group up somewhere private and he throws the gold out for you to loot.
  11. A few questions regarding twinking

    1) Queue times depends on bracket and time of day. 29 and 19 have reasonable queues around 10 minutes during the day and in the evening. 2) for 19 Outlaw Rogue, Balance Druid, Fury Warrior, any healer, Arcane Mage is strong right now. Probably more. For 29: Fury warriors are really good, so...
  12. Question about actual rating

    As I said, I don't disagree with you. I'm just saying any fury warrior build at 29 will work absolutely just fine, especially if you have a healer.
  13. Question about actual rating

    Honestly this is twinking, you're not going for Rank 1 at end game content. If you have more fun playing crit or even verse over haste. Then why shouldn't you? You might get more consistent results with haste, but straight up saying the others are dogshit is not only untrue but also...
  14. 39 or 49 for WW monk?

    59 it is, it's a bracket I have yet to brake into anyway, so I guess here's my chance. Thanks a lot for the reply. Well if they're absolutely useless in said brackets then there's no much fun. I am set on WW monk though, I like playing the lesser played specs. Demo Lock @19, Ele shaman @29...
  15. 39 or 49 for WW monk?

    As title states, I am unsure if I wanna go 39 or 49 for my windwalker monk. And I'd love to hear some opinions with reasons! Thanks in advance!
  16. Enhance shaman viability ?

    Enhance shaman isn't as terrible in this bracket as in 19-bracket, as they get stormstrike. They are definitely not top tier, but can do some solid stuff and offheals etc. As long as you're not expecting the survivability you got at 70+ and the damage output. You should be able to have fun with it.
  17. Question about actual rating

    I've tried haste in my 29 warrior, being a troll and having the racial can bring me to some high amounts of haste. It's just kinda meh for me, I don't mind it being RNG, don't get me wrong, it's strong, but I don't find it that fun.
  18. Question about actual rating

    I completely agree with the fact that your damage comes from Crusader and that's what you base your build on. No reason to loose secondary stats over strength on your gear, due to the high amounts gained from Crusader x2. In regards to melting people and leaving them in awe, is exactly what I...
  19. Question about actual rating

    @Rockastansky unrelated. But how do you like full crit fury at 29? I imagine the rampage you get off are nasty.
  20. General Completely Afkable Leveling (3 levels 1 hour) 20-60

    I have tested this on a prot pally with shield spike AND holy shield. Unfortunately you will have to be around to check up. Because some of the mobs run behind, therefore you can't block and do damage. So 100% afk would probably only be Guardian druid and MAYBE enhance shaman. Still easy way to...