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  1. Painaid

    Paranormal activity 3.

    No doubt a bone-chilling film. Could not sleep for weeks.
  2. Painaid

    Paranormal activity 3.

    I was disappointed in this movie. The part that was meant to be scary (or at least I think) was not all. Kinda expected more out of the ending too, but eh, I will divulge details in case some people haven't seen it. I really haven't seen a horror movie I liked in a looong time now.
  3. Painaid

    Star Wars: The Old Republic (Early Game Access Details Revealed )

    Bioware is greatly increasing the number of beta accounts from each weekend on it seems like in order to stress test the servers. If you don't already have a key, there are still some ways to get one for an upcoming weekend. There's several websites doing promotions still that will be giving out...
  4. Painaid

    Sidni the Bloodthirsty!!!

    Congrats and well deserved.
  5. Painaid


    Hm, ok, I'll probably rent it and give it a try. Just dropped 60 bucks on Uncharted 3 and now MW3 came out today. Ugh. Choices, choices.
  6. Painaid


    Never played any of these, but everyone says they're good. What other kinds of games would you compare it to? Trying to decide whether to try it.
  7. Painaid

    Model Editing Alowed in Premades?

    Silly tinkerton, model editing is client-side.
  8. Painaid

    POLL: What's Your Favorite Class?

    Mage in vanilla, druid in BC, Paladines in wrath. Cata- who cares?
  9. Painaid

    Do you smoke?

    I smoke cigars when I play poker to intimidate my enemies
  10. Painaid

    Best pokemon?

    Gengar and Allakhazam Counting rare pokemon, Articuno was a beast. Only one of the rare birds that didn't get captured in Pokemon 2000. why? Cuz he's BEAST.
  11. Painaid

    SW:TOR -> Republic or Empire?

    I'm a big baby and given Bioware's morality system in Mass Effect, I can't bring myself to play on Empire. Jedi it is!
  12. Painaid


    This is a sad day in the history of twinking.
  13. Painaid

    In regards to all the admins becoming power rangers

    Still rockin the same glasses? That's sexy.
  14. Painaid

    In regards to all the admins becoming power rangers

    I call shenanigans! I swear Tai was a different color before!!
  15. Painaid

    SW:TOR -> Republic or Empire?

    Which side are you going to join? Republic Trooper Smuggler Jedi Knight Jedi Consular Empire Bounty Hunter Imperial Agent Sith Warrior Sith Inquisitor More Info on classes can be found here.
  16. Painaid

    US 19 Horde Premade Guilds.

    I need to talk to you about that.... Please don't bite my head off. And I'm done posting in thread. Sorry for Off-Topic. <3 <3 <3
  17. Painaid

    Why are all the 00's kids posting as Pokemon?

    Anyone remember that Pokemon camera game on n64 where u had to take pictures of them. God I freaking rocked that game.
  18. Painaid

    In regards to all the admins becoming power rangers

    On behalf of the NAACP, I'd like to issue a formal complaint that there is no representation of the Black Ranger currently. Clearly this is a signal of skin color preference.
  19. Painaid

    US 19 Horde Premade Guilds.

    sirin u such a bully!
  20. Painaid

    US 19 Horde Premade Guilds.

    Lol, please don't tell me you didn't see this one coming from a mile away? If not, shame on you.