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  1. EU+US With a new map, comes new rules.. [TC19]

    The horde hut isn't los, you can trinket the flag stacks, gotta start putting in bug reports
  2. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Concussive Shot - Try to use this on cooldown but use it on the correct people, in mid putting this on a healer forces them to have to cast less cause it takes longer for them to reposition. Using this also on enemy Hunters makes it so when they break off its slower. This is your most effective...
  3. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    What do you need help with my dude
  4. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    You can check out my guide from wod, covers the basics for hunter. If you want zerker that badly on disc, swap blaster or speed pot, its pugs you do you, as long as you dont use them for a actual advantage in the game I see no reason why discs should miss out of a zerker buff. Allied races, it...
  5. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    It really is amazing you know you're shit, I'm glad you understand now.
  6. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    I'd recommend grinder, far better than tinder imo, usually is quite good at finding twinks on wow.
  7. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Sadly, this actually happens all the time, for example 39s, spikes in activity into dead activity, the side brackets outside 19s and whatever is merged with f2p are usually just always dead, so what do you do, maybe go play free to play, which is trash, or personally I go just play another...
  8. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Get pizza on your team, helps alot. You usually have to not be bad at the game, but the best way to improve to be a good hunter is try keybinding your spells first, helps a lot.
  9. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Have to remember your objective as a flag carrier, you are trying to live at all costs, there are times where you might have to drop the flag to get the next cap, there are times where you have to kite their team, this comes down to awareness, if you are playing rdruid, unless against a rogue...
  10. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Learning a new spec and aspect of the game is tricky, most of the time it comes down to experience, which does take time, but if you want to accelerate your reaction speed and awarness some addons do help, always have an enemy in middle on focus and you can have a general understanding of who...
  11. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Basically if you want to be noticed in twinks, play a lot of pugs, perform well and do not use external abilities like potions and drums, eventually someone will notice you, for the general of community chat groups on EU, im sure there are people who can invite you to that hub of eu discord and...
  12. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Any and all questions about twinking, premades, comps, strats just ask and I'll answer.
  13. EU+US Feyscale Cloak is not affected by patch 8.1.5

    Anything within dungeons does not appear to upgrade, previously or otherwise.
  14. fire mage max crit

    I assume you have 2x purple stendel's wedding bands, the link doesnt work crit boa
  15. US player tier list

    Let's make this simple, maintain 60% winrate or above and don't use anything external and you might actually become good at one point.
  16. US MVQ Exposed

  17. US MVQ Exposed

    What did I say in my previous posts? Good players play better not stoop to the lower level. This is why you aren't #1 fc obviously
  18. US MVQ Exposed

    You can tell from his UI that he's a hypocrite Any Honorable player doesn't have that shit key bound like myself
  19. US player tier list

    Speedpot = you're a bad player, even speed potting because someone speed potted on you, you stooped to that retards lvl, play better.
  20. US player tier list

    God damn the quality of twinks have drop dramatically, speed pots are bad, pots in general cannot be used in a competitive situation so if you want to become a good player, learn to live without it or fucking reroll you shitkid playing a shit class. Now that xpoff has removed the shitters that...