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  1. Roadwarrior

    EU My new (kind of) bfa 29 Outlaw Rogue

    1) Your ring enchants are only +1... upgrade to +2. I still say you should ditch the funky agility ring and just go Electocutioners Lagnut and then a Quickblade ring (enchant +2 vers) 2) Agree with above... giving up "quickblade" items for the higher agility items is wrong... especially after...
  2. Roadwarrior

    29 druid gear question

    Rot and Band are usually on BH auction house for 750k... prices are way down because nobody buys them.
  3. Roadwarrior

    29 druid gear question

    You can't post a link to some Grandfathered heap tho and use it as a marker for somebody just gearing up. OP if you are just going to PUG just go full fang (it wont matter at all there)... if you are going to be a try hard with wargames and talk about how good you are, then don't give up the...
  4. Roadwarrior

    First thoughts on level 29 bracket

    Just not much to do tho when you log in during prime time and there are 10 people in XPOFF alliance and nobody responds. I should be able to turn in 5 "Alliance loss tokens" and get a BG crate. Just find 5 friends to que with and you will win 14/15... most of the Horde "filler twinks" are just...
  5. Roadwarrior

    GFd 29 enhance shaman refresh

    for the highest entertainment value, I think you should just go hard/glass cannon agility/crit and use a 2 hander and hope for Windfury procs... it will be the most fun... and honestly will probably net you the same overall dps/kills and occasionaly you just get to truck somebody (that you will...
  6. Roadwarrior

    GFd 29 enhance shaman refresh

    I was using the wrong term I meant don't enchant for stamina. It just sounds like you are expecting something happen that is not going to happen. You can stack agility all day and stormstrike does not get much better, neither does lava lash. You will get almost identical results glass cannon...
  7. Roadwarrior

    GFd 29 enhance shaman refresh

    I think you just need to play more in game and see what actually happens (I promise you that you will eventually take off the cloak and go for survival mode). Enhance is just really hurting, even a badly geared ret can probably 2 rotation you. I would really not try to play glass cannon. The...
  8. Roadwarrior

    GFd 29 enhance shaman refresh

    Most of that stuff is just not good for enhance (since enhance is so bad at the moment). I would even go as far to say something like the parachute cloak even with the oldenchant is bad (the same thing that people keep trying to make work on WWs... the cloak looks cool, but it's just not good...
  9. Roadwarrior

    Help Finishing Gear?

    The 29 Warrior Holy Trinity: Weapon Swapping, Pocket Heals, Free Action Potion. Weapon Swapping is HUUUUUUGE in setting you apart from 99.9% of all other trash warriors. Warriors that do 30-60k and don't weapon swap: "duuuh I fell off the warrior bus onto my ****'n head". You want the...
  10. Roadwarrior

    29 Rogue Questions

    Yeah, and somewhere out there you can still find ones with the OG super enchant so its like +24 agility total of one item... parachute is till ok with the +4 agility... meh. Soulrender Greatcloak is free alternative... basically +8 agility (when you factor in vers) and you get some versatility...
  11. Roadwarrior

    29 Rogue Questions

    As far as OUTLAW is concerned (the other two specs being basically tier 2/3 trash): You want Verse/Crit not Haste... ideal 0% haste. Cudgel of Naralex and then whatever BIS green there will be (probably still Hillborne Axe of the Quickblade)... most likely equipped with Landslide... the PPM on...
  12. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    It just seems to me that I see a lot of the same horde twinks... every single game... for there to be this "MASSIVE POOL OF HORDE TWINKS!". I do que as heals quite often... but the issue is the same... the quality of the twinks that I'm healing is not on the same level as NoContests 1000+...
  13. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    I do not agree that good players don't like stomping levelers that's all this bracket is... and not everybody is trash... its just annoying that Horde cant field a decent team against the alliances best teams.... and as already stated quantity is absolutely no fill-in for quality.... the hordes...
  14. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    I ran into the Nocontest premade today honesty 15 times today (no joke)... where are these horde twinks you keep mentioning cause they were in zero of those games... or they were the ones I was talking about.
  15. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    I'm not saying that the horde cant compete, but we dont have premades like Paidge/nocontest/their terrible ret that spits on everybody (name is fart or something like that)/whoever else that is pocket healing them (I get it they are at the EXTREME end of try hard), that shit does not exist on...
  16. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    There being MORE horde twinks (and I use that term in the broadest ****ing possible way, because it is just thrown around these days and means almost nothing), but there are very few good ones. This entire 29 forum is rife with every horde player commenting at least once that we have no healers...
  17. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    US specifically no idea about EU at all.
  18. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    As always, I get that the comments for these posts are just kids saying stupid shit. understood. That does not fix the issue tho of there being serious problems with the horde skill level or the available number of twinks... maybe you just don't get it... if you always que with the same group...
  19. Roadwarrior

    US Horde

    It's actually just almost unplayable.. the horde just has nobody left at all.... even if you que a 5 man the other 5 people in your group are just leveling trash with missing gear slots. Or best case you get a group of horde twinks that is just sub standard players with good gear and they can...
  20. Roadwarrior

    EU+US The 270 AP Dream

    We've all seen you play. I'm just telling you, You will hate using that Stam/Vers set... your numbers will come down in line with the rest of the hunters and there wont be anymore super DPS games. I'm not saying you wont do great, but superman status WILL go out the door... and for what?... you...