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  1. Roadwarrior

    PTR 20-29. What are the classes looking like at the moment

    How does 29 Rogue look in BFA? It's the only 29 twink(ish) I don't have, but I was not really impressed with them at the 19s so I did not bother.
  2. Roadwarrior

    For People who don't know anything

    How is PvP itemization going to work in BFA for low levels under 60 for battlegrounds, etc... or whatever. Is it still like it is now with "the Rock" rings and the problem solving pendant or does all of that go out the window?
  3. Roadwarrior

    19s New Player Gear

    Sorry being new, I can't tell if this is honest or just nonsense. The stats go down quite a bit when I swap out level 25+ gear for level 1 white items... am I missing something?
  4. Roadwarrior

    19s New Player Gear

    That's what I wanted to hear! thanks!
  5. Roadwarrior

    19s New Player Gear

    Ahhh, good tip! **Side note, I see people using the hang-glider often enough can that still be made with engineering or is that an "old item" now and can't be made?
  6. Roadwarrior

    19s New Player Gear

    Thanks! Just wanted to make sure it was worth rolling a 19 or if it was a lopsided joke!
  7. Roadwarrior

    19s New Player Gear

    I appreciate that info. I guess what I'm really asking is that if you just go lazy and don't jack with engineering, maybe buy 2xrocks and the problem pendant, but other than that just rely on 25-27 gear... are you like 20% more worthless than somebody that is full-out on BIS gear (NOT...
  8. Roadwarrior

    19s New Player Gear

    Hello, How much of a disability does somebody have that is geared in level 25 items versus somebody that is full Warforged and has all the tasty old items or whatever on? Is it that much of a gap or is it minimal? I don't know what the current WoW patch has done in that regard. Thanks!