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  1. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    we love the tolerant left
  2. Quackbesteu

    Hot takes

    ah ur just trynna piss people off today innit
  3. Quackbesteu

    Hot takes

    pizza didn't get enough credit for how good he was at leading before legion when he cared about the game gsc were/are overrated with the worst leaders ive probably ever seen in the bracket EU players have been better than US players when we compare like for like - best vs best in basically...
  4. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    you Mvq and Conq should form a club, I think you guys would get on very well.
  5. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    yeah not like American politics have ever effected the rest of the world.
  6. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    can't tell if you're 800 ms in the brain or just american
  7. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    how do u get out of bed in the morning without breaking ur leg
  8. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    Sounds like basically 85% of leftists.
  9. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    I love when Americans prognosticate about their own politics. Hillary Clinton going to win btw. Trust the polls btw.
  10. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    Trump getting corona I think is a bad thing overall for America, why? Quite simply put people will see Trump recover ( please God ) and Trump will say "Had a rough 1-2 days then I felt fine just relaxed" being the alpha male he is this will make Trump supporters and even some left wing leaning...
  11. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    when I said better I meant slightly more tame, was really expecting Joe to be hyped up on Mountain Dew looking for war low key surprised he didn't swing for Trump
  12. Quackbesteu

    2020 election

    Debate was exactly as expected if not slightly better Bias Moderator basically doing Bidens job for him and not asking Biden any difficult questions Biden saying come on man and trying to be edgy with a few jabs Dodging every single question asked, lying Trumps sick one liners and talking...
  13. Quackbesteu

    PTR Level 10s in Shadowlands

  14. Quackbesteu

    US So what happens to my vanilla grandfathered 19 when SL hits? Should I just make a new twink?

    There is no point in leveling your old 19 (9 in SL) to 19 again. Unless you have a vanilla title or something weird like that, that you really want to flex. All your gear will be useless if it stays the way as beta is rn. I'm letting all my 19s sit at level 9.
  15. Quackbesteu

    EU What would be most likely best populated twink bracket in SL ?

    Whichever bracket is able to queue with levellers (which will only be the f2p bracket unless something happens where they remerge xp on and xpoff). Due to the fact every character made before SL prepatch of 44 and under will be eligible to technically be a 19 twink in shadowlands and the fact...
  16. Quackbesteu

    19s (EU) Comprehensive Guide and more.

    what is wrong with you like what happened
  17. Quackbesteu

    19s (EU) Comprehensive Guide and more.

    the only person u could argue i coached is loone, the rest is sarcasm. my apologies if u dont understand that.
  18. Quackbesteu

    19s (EU) Comprehensive Guide and more.

    u realize the problem with this right or are you that stupid
  19. Quackbesteu

    19s (EU) Comprehensive Guide and more.

    (I have received a moderators approval on this and its 100% within the Rules and they have helped me correct the parts that weren't within the rules) Hello Twinks, I am making this thread due to the fact one of my very good friends (and my biggest fan) thread getting locked due to violation of...
  20. Quackbesteu

    [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    (this list is of all my experience on classic since january and not just the most active/recent ones but clearly standards have been upped and a lot of these players i wouldn't have considered the best 6 months ago but they've improved) Rogue: ritaorairl,quackbestuae Priest...