Well guess that makes the decision of which priest glyph is bis a lil more interesting. You think the 5 sec per 1 mi of no interrupts is worth the trade off of reflective shield glyph ?
If we keep the 2 of a class rule how do you adjust your comp ? drop rshaman or enh ?
what specs your hunter ?
I feel like a very mobile team may be able to combat this ?
perhaps boomy, fire, Brm , BM, enh, Rogue ?
Alright, After the first wargame of the revival I think we finally have a little room to talk about some of the metas, comps, and strats that are popping up.
Lets try an keep the discussions civil and non-flame-atory, If anyone makes a point you disagree with quote away and tell them why u...
would be interesting to talk with somebody that was actually in the games and discuss some theory / meta. from the first video (neaps) it looked like the mele/ burst heavy comp plowed through the dot/rot heavy comp before they could really get all of their damage rolling. but that's kindah...
/cast [mod:shift,@focus][@mousever,exists,help][help][@player] Roar of Sacrifice
if shift it does focus
if mouse it does them
if no mouse it does target
if no target it does self
enjoy <3
Seeing as you use mouse to turn you probably wont have much of a problem with that. On my lvl hunter 20 don't believe ive ever accidentally sac 'd the wrong person and I play'd that one with my face so im sure you wont have any problem (8 hour til I get home from work)
I got a mad sexy roar of sacrifice macro for you that way you don't have to mouse to your portrait.
first if you have a mouseover it will sac that.
if you don't have a mouseover it will sac your current friendly target .
if you don't have a current friendly target or mouse it will sac you ...
another offhand option is Father Flame. At one time it was boe in vanilla. I believe there is some lv 19 mage that stil has one . 11int 11 crit isn't anything to laugh at even on a lvl 1 rogue . probably give u 100 % crit chance
woops I remembered for like 20 sec before a game started so I only checked the ones I ha equipped lol I'll try and get the others soon and you know Maybey check if they are needed
Alrighty lets just start over because every time I quote you then you quote my quote and I quote your quote something gets lost and eventually there is un-necessary confusion.
If you have any questions just say “I don’t think you can go to from 2) to 3) the way you did”
Lets start at the...
having 2 arena nights on the night before each wsg night would be pretty cool imo .
it would help with keeping ppl active between the game nights as well as serve as a warm-up for the big days.