Search results

  1. Valotian

    US A reminder for the bullies from the #goodguynation

    You're making me nostalgic, Ohai... Can't get to my old screenshots until the end of the week. FeelsBadMan
  2. Valotian

    US Lag Spiking

    "If you find an exploit or think someone is hacking the game, please send a detailed e-mail to Thank you for your due diligence with this. Reporting these issues is incredibly important, but at the same time please remember to report them through the secure channels." I...
  3. Valotian

    EU+US Slow hitting daggers

    Logically, you are correct and it should. However, (at least, the last time I had checked/heard) the MH weapon's speed is transferred to the OH weapon for reasons unknown. So the main idea is to have a slow MH and a high ilevel OH. Whether or not that is still the case, I am not sure. I also...
  4. Valotian

    [Stratholme Lily] useless?

    You would need a bit more itemlevels than that to see a stat gain unless you were on a threshold.
  5. Valotian

    US Nostalgic Names

    Wow... I miss all of these guys so much... Useful's best of list... The feels, man.
  6. Valotian

    EU+US 69 ilvl rogue, how is this possible?

    ^^ It's more than likely just Bottled Tornado...
  7. Valotian

    EU+US 29s in Legion

    There are no glyphs to worry about. However, 20s are not scaling to 29 currently on the PTR, which gives 29s a huge advantage beyond just having more abilities.
  8. Valotian

    General PTR (all brackets)

    Character copying is active for the moment on PTR.
  9. Valotian

    Jay Wilson Leaving Blizzard
  10. Valotian

    Jay Wilson Leaving Blizzard

    Consider yourself enlightened!
  11. Valotian

    EU+US Consumables

    I miss one second cast Iron Grenades... :(
  12. Valotian

    [Legion] Low Level PvP-Gear Possibly Inbound

    There were some green items for different brackets with PvP-itemlevels datamined earlier in the Alpha. My guess is that these crates will contain something similar in nature to those items.
  13. Valotian

    [Legion] Low Level PvP-Gear Possibly Inbound

    Battlegrounds Characters below level 110 winning a Battleground are now awarded Crates of Battlefield Goods. The crate contains a piece of armor appropriate for the character’s level and specialization with a chance for the crate to contain additional rewards such as weapons or relics. Source...
  14. Valotian

    Resists are working in pvp on alpha

    I just want you to know that your work is greatly appreciated. I kept track of some of your posts for the last expansion release as well. Always the kind of information I am looking for.
  15. Valotian

    More Legion News

    The new CC break is Honorable Medallion: The human racial is being changed:
  16. Valotian

    EU+US Thread Against Legion PVP Changes!

    Based on how Blizzard has said the scaling works, that wouldn't come close to 10%. You would need at least an average ilevel 124 at 19s to gain a 10% advantage over the baseline. 10 average ilevels for 1% increase.
  17. Valotian

    EU+US Thread Against Legion PVP Changes!

    Well, if Blizzard sticks to their changes, gf'd characters will be the only ones that have a stat advantage over others, albeit a very small one. So not a total loss I guess? (Provided they don't end up adding gear with PvP ilevels for lowbies RIP)
  18. Valotian

    Battlenet Forum users are Sheep

    Personally, I'd love to see a legacy server with season ladders and possibly different modes.