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  1. Estufa101

    US Common Legion Blade No Longer Available?

    bump! Anyone able to loot these guys with lower than 110?
  2. Estufa101

    Was Common Legion Blade Intentional?

    I don't think "nerf" means what you think it means. It is in fact a relatively colossal nerf for the effected classes, going from the slowest 1 hander in the game to 2.4.
  3. Estufa101

    Was Common Legion Blade Intentional?

    It's already nerfed on PTR =P
  4. Estufa101

    US 29 Balance Druid PvP Montage!

    That being said, here is a link to an example of a great pvp video; they just don't make em like they used to.
  5. Estufa101

    US 29 Balance Druid PvP Montage!

    So incredibly boring, cool editing though minus the parts seemingly in place to force epileptic seizures. Honestly I never understood pvp videos in any mmo with a class lacking any CC and a few damage buttons. It's why twink videos seem so silly, It essentially comes down to who can train who...
  6. Estufa101

    US Common Legion Blade No Longer Available?

    I'm unable to loot any of these (except for the corehound for some odd reason). I've spent 30 minutes killing these on my level 99 twink pally and the only mob that drops anything is the corehound... Anyone else having this issue?
  7. Estufa101

    EU+US 90-99's Armory List lvl 99 ret pally updated
  8. Estufa101

    EU+US Just a Demon Hunter idea?

    Perhaps if you don't turn in those last 3, and just kill the red dude without activating the quest for him? I just don't know ><
  9. Estufa101

    US Old school retail 19s

    I was super old school in vanilla with my 19 gnome warrior Shayke, and 19 twink rogue Drizo that I leveled and twinked @ 39. We had an undefeated wsg premade with Dorcha sai and teamplay for over a year finding other guilds from different battlegroups. I believe we were on Vengeance, with our...
  10. Estufa101

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    So you understand the "hey look at me" desire - or in other words 'showing off' - but find it weird that people are posting "hey look at me" photos in a "hey look at me" thread dedicated to "hey look at me" posts... Your Beanie Babies argument is entirely irrelevant . I think you should just...
  11. Estufa101

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    People tend to be less understanding of hobbies and occupations they don't themselves partake in. Lifters have been "showing off" pictures of themselves since the dawn of interwebz. Nothing new or unusual about it really; the dedication and effort it takes to achieve things of that nature are...
  12. Estufa101

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    Seriously impressive dude, until people attempt lifting it's hard to grasp the dedication and hard work required. Alas, I incurred a major back/stomach injury that screwed all my progress. I now surf and maintain a lean functional body mass but I plan on getting back into it someday.
  13. Estufa101

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    You got that boy band/teen choice award rapper look going on Jelly as Anthony Frawkins
  14. Estufa101

    US 19 tink Real Life Picture Thread!

    Oldschool vanilla tink making a comeback -Optastic/Realestufa This is me currently, old as fuck sporting a fairy scarf of joy. This was back when I was probably closer to the average age of people in this thread. Another old one when I thought long hair was epic. Up at the ranch when I...
  15. Estufa101

    EU+US [LEGION] Class Spell Changes

    Balance drood gutted... might as well take away the ability to shift into bear and cat at this point; other than stealth what do they expect people to do in melee forms, auto attack? Dumb dumb dumb.
  16. Estufa101

    US New TC Team Recruiting

    I'm interested. Balroy#1623 added both of you.
  17. Estufa101

    US #MakeThisBracketGreatAgain!

    The 29 bracket was incredible back at the very beginning of TBC. In fact we held awesome 10v10 private games cross battle groups consistently and had a great and very active arena scene.
  18. Estufa101

    US Experienced Tink LF Wargames Team

    Hello tink community, my name is Chris and as the title suggests I'm looking for a solid wargames team. I'm an old man (27) and have been traveling for the last 5 years on and off. I'm officially back in northern California for the foreseeable future and I'm gaming like a madman! I was a...
  19. Estufa101

    US Gucciglad PvP Movie

    In case someone wants to see what a real pvp video used to look like and showcase. Though I do not approve of the music per say; never been a fan of screaming =P