Just got him to 19 today while doing my skinning, The World of Warcraft Armory
Still need to get my engineering up and get a couple things still and get for badges for the wep, just undecided on what talents to go with.
Anybody play on either of these? Im lookin to transfer to one of the realms in these with my 19 to be since i work 3rd shift and with the time zone of my realm id have long qs if at all when im on, and if Aust. eastern time means australian eastern time like im hoping it does then it should be...
Its a tough choice between warrior or pally, im gonna do 19s first then prolly move up to 29 for AB rep, biggest problem is that im sleeping when the fishin contest is going on.
Ive been in the 69s for a couple days on my hunter and its lots of fun, been winning a lot and high on the list every time, not twinking there or anything just a break from leveling. http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Fenris&n=Ziplock
I have the boa badge sword but was lookin at the boa trash blade for my main hand, which would be better? i could get it just for kicks and use both but thrash is offhand sounds bad, maybe WSG sword would be a better OH.. Any suggestions?
I tamed a lvl 49 today in ST and as soon as i tamed it it gained 6 levels and its still saying its elite.
well here is the link if that pic doesnt work: http://img5.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wowscrnshot042209083353.jpg
It was on a toon that had a normal name, and I didn't do it to anybody who actually gave me a good fight or I couldn't beat. When i played on limp i was actually nice, even had to get on the forums to name somebody and tell the how fun of a 1v1 fight i had with them (Rogue vs. Rogue, her attack...