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  1. Ryrith Movie 3 - 19 Twink Rogue.

    Nice video (: <3
  2. Satchel Gear

    I need the stamina gear - getting everything but them! :(
  3. Sorry guys. Quitting WoW

    Take care Bragh! Good luck irl :) Nice knowning you, even though we didn't speak that much. (:
  4. Can you get more unlucky?

    Exactly same happened to me on Sunday, I actually was able to fish for the first time in god knows how long, and I got like; 50 fish & 2 rares (boots & line), no hat! But fingers crossed next time eh? Keep at it. Your get there eventually :D Edit: PRO GM :D
  5. Cataclysm - What Do We Know?

    Well, since there revamping Azeroth. If you do all the quests on your current faction, when new expansion is released, and do all the new quests, I believe it'll be possible to obtain Ambassador w/out faction change. No real evidence, just speculating :)
  6. pro tip : Don't roll a twink on someone elses account

    This is true...but, if you really want your twink to have those, you would grind a toon to 80 :D
  7. Titles possible on a lvl 1?

    SS or it didn't happen.
  8. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    They look pretty cool, what puts me off is the queue times :\
  9. EU Blackout - What you need to know.

    Still keep thinking about a 49! Hmm! Not sure still :\
  10. Any New 19 Warrior Videos?

    Madock made a pro one back in Aygat <3
  11. Stop banning me you fucking retards

    LOL, Trust you to post that Kitty :D
  12. @19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

    Any ideas why I'm not on the mage list? :(
  13. Titles @ 19

    All achieveable apart from Hallowed i'm afraid. I'd love to have "of the Horde" but I know I will never see that title on my mage, I'm afraid :'(
  14. New years resolution

    Maybe. But there are lots of reasons why I am getting it aswell :) I have never thought that tbh. I've just drunk alot of it, due to work being stressful & very tiring. It's not until recently, I've found out how much damage it's caused me :'(
  15. New years resolution

    Farm more achievements on my mage! Stop drinking energy drinks! As it's fucking my body up! And get my tattoo, which I still need to get :)
  16. Most active pre-bc pvp battlegroup? & pve realm(s)?

    This US or EU? Sorry, I forgot to say I'm EU :)
  17. Most active pre-bc pvp battlegroup? & pve realm(s)?

    What the title says. Want an active pvp battlegroup, and a decent prebc raiding guild within the battlegroup. Don't wanna start till I'm convinced :P
  18. Shadowfang

    I believe it drops in Shadowfang Keep, but I some how doubt otherwise ....
  19. [EU] LF 70 Guild

    Not worried about faction, as I've not even started yet, but, wanted to get a few ideas of realms etc. before creating a new account etc. etc. I'd love to do both PvE & PvP, inc. arenas! Loved 70 too much I think :) Thanks :D
  20. so, the Satchel of Helpful Goods

    Well, don't turn XP back on then. Cos' if you've gained XP, "somehow" turning your XP back on, may ding you :(