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  1. Klinda

    What does your F2P twink eat?

    Klinda likes to feast on the dead bodies of slain alliance soldiers Dawn likes Nachos, lots and lots of yummy nachos :)
  2. Klinda

    f2p class/spec balance question

    Non healing Casters such as Mages and locks are very underrated but they perform very well with virtually all specs. You will die a lot but they are both viable choices. Rogues are OP but not too OP where balance is concerned. Warriors are very good, all of there specs are good minus fury, don't...
  3. Klinda

    Questions & Answers

    Trust me, I have no intentions of polluting anything. Hmm, Now that i reread my question it does seem a bit unsophisticated :( What I meant was that I have noticed that cripz has been banned a number of times for whatever reason and I thought the max was 3 strikes and out... I have no problem...
  4. Klinda

    Questions & Answers

    Serious question out of curiosity, How many times has cripzlood been banned? And how many bans before a complete/official ban?
  5. Klinda

    Random Talk Thread

    Some guy gave me a reach around on the subway the other day... It was awkward...
  6. Klinda

    Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    I'm not trying to start anything and I really mean that but I would like an Honest answer to this question. Sanc has been known to farm on both sides, as I and other trials have been farmed by them in the past. I'm not certain if you still farm or not but do you expect for the majority of...
  7. Klinda

    F2P Twink Spotlight

    The Swagvengers, f2p's mightiest heroes :)
  8. Klinda

    Don't feel bad about being a 24.

    I remember that one time I faced a sanctuary premade... It was crazy but fun... somewhat... I believe everyone here plays for whatever reason they deem appropriate and there is nothing wrong with that. If you are a f2p and you don't want to pay for wow, you don't have to and you can enjoy the...
  9. Klinda


    Some would say that stats would be a good indicator of someone skills while others could say just about anyone can get returns/caps without really thinking about it. You also have to remember that win/loss percentages most of the time don't mean much since in many pugs/premades you could...
  10. Klinda

    If WoW went totally F2P...

    Currently Blizz makes over $110 million monthly from wow alone, So It's highly unlikely wow will go f2p in the near future. I am certain though that wow will go f2p someday, maybe in 5 years, maybe in 10 years.
  11. Klinda

    DV's Confirmed 5.4 Information for F2P

    Darn you Bend, Why didn't you make your war Horde?!? Now when I see you in bgs I have to warn my team not to fight you 1v1 or they will have a one way ticket to the good ol' gy! WHY DID YOU BETRAY US BEND???!!! WHY????
  12. Klinda

    Arathi Basin CTA 3/9/13

    I hereby rez this thread from the fiery depths of hell!
  13. Klinda

    Gnomeball - Saturday August 10th

    I definitely want to do this, Sounds really fun:) Unfortunately, I don't have a toon on ap, But it's about time I make one! I think I'll make a shammy on AP and join for this wonderful event :)
  14. Klinda

    One good thing about 5.4

    Oh God please don't let that arcane shot buff make it to live... please God no...
  15. Klinda

    [Feedback] WPvP Zul'Gurub Event

    I was just about to find the recruitment thread and reply with feedback :) The event was just fantastic, everyone seems to have had a good time from what I saw. Friendly competition between familiar faces and overall respect and integrity from both sides. We saw a lot of different classes...
  16. Klinda

    Cross Realm WPvP Saturday 12 PM : Zul'Gurub Event

    What time will the checklist happen? about 15-20 min prior to invites?
  17. Klinda

    How do underpowered classes keep sane?

    Ive been playing with a warlock lately and i'm not going to lie... It's pretty terrible, but it is an extremely fun class that has amazing potential. sure I die a lot but it's simply too fun and I guess that what helps me to play it personally.
  18. Klinda

    Cross Realm WPvP Saturday 12 PM : Zul'Gurub Event

    I would like to play on my Horde Healer if permitted. Klinda, on the server Jeadenar :)
  19. Klinda

    Horde Y U DO DIS

    If Only everyone just played the class they enjoyed and stopped worrying about what everyone else was playing, this would be a much better bracket.
  20. Klinda

    Tremble Beneath my Wings Once More

    Mirror Mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all?