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  1. R Prime

    My Mother might have cancer.

    Sorry to hear that and best of luck to your family. Hopefully it's something other than C. Stay strong.
  2. R Prime

    Rate my tink mage

    Loli - really nice toon but why you no hit cap? replacing one int trink for the pvp rune trink would make it a truly sexy beast of a character.
  3. R Prime

    What's your favorite level to twink at?

    I like 20s. 39s was fun but only Wed/Fri nights.
  4. R Prime

    Are Pallies better off staying at level 20 now with item scaling?

    There's no easy answer. You'd have to review each piece of BiS gear for each lvl.
  5. R Prime

    Bloodlust Represent

    Aww good times.Still have a toon in tharr.
  6. R Prime

    Screenshot Thread!

    Re: Screenshot Thread! Disengage or gnomer parachute I would guess. Or an untimely thunderfook.
  7. R Prime


    Have an active day :o.
  8. R Prime

    Coming back to 19s

    Welcome back - I remember you - damned fine player.
  9. R Prime

    kind of new to twinking

    Welcome! Hope to see you in BGs.
  10. R Prime

    Got a rant, had a bad day? TELL IT HERE

    How does that happen with track hidden? I don't even play rogue anymore because of dat lol.
  11. R Prime

    Lets go Red Wings [NHL Playoff Thread]

    Go B's!
  12. R Prime

    EU+US F2P History

    Hell yeah the f2p chat deserves a mention. It's the glue that binds us together until /ignored. Amen.
  13. R Prime

    Feral Owns!!!!!

    Holy jeebus man. I completely thought you were lying. Kudos.
  14. R Prime

    enhancement shaman project

    Would exchange swift hand of justice for AGM and add satchel crit items. Honestly I am a big fan of multiple sets. Have one for every occasion.
  15. R Prime

    Rate my FC protection Paladin !!!

    Much like my college life one will need to look for chests. GLHF
  16. R Prime

    Lets Talk WPvP Events

    Bump for more wpvp hotness. :p
  17. R Prime

    Rate my FC protection Paladin !!!

    Great toon - shows lots of work and dedication. Nice mog too. If the current set equipped is max stam set it's missing Silverlinks. Hit isn't capped but again not top priority in stam set.