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  1. imacheeser


    same can be said about a certain BM in a different bracket *cough*
  2. imacheeser

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Plebmade #1 - September 5th

    Im sorry but im not saving clips of plebmades. these matches are for fun. Sorry if you don't like me saving them I just really don't see a need to. When I spec this up coming match ill take screenshots of the matches and post them but I will not be saving the videos. If you guys don't mind :)
  3. imacheeser

    Vet premade a sucess (GG all) opinions on premade

    bump to my op heals <3
  4. imacheeser


    yo give me bracket manager ill do great things in this bracket, Cheese for BM lets GOOOOOOOOOO
  5. imacheeser

    Thotfc New guild

    thot left cause he we do other things then 29s and thot cant do anything but 29s. so I think he means an active guild, if it isn't as active as he wants he will do what he did to tet and dip, which I have no problem with him leaving at all, thot and I are chill but he just wants more activity.
  6. imacheeser

    We need a active Bracket manager!

    if james cant be BM then turtle cant. GG
  7. imacheeser

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Premade #2 - September 20th

    yo lemme spec it burg <3
  8. imacheeser

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Premade #2 - September 20th

    yeah ill be happy to spec it :)
  9. imacheeser

    US - Veteran / P2P 20 WSG Premade #2 - September 20th

    Burg, if you want a priest for either team I am able to play. If both slots are filled for priests I can also spectate the game for easy wsg and also commentate on it. Lemme know qtburg I also don't mind letting someone else give it a go if they don't have very much premade experience. Ive been...
  10. imacheeser

    Vet premade a sucess (GG all) opinions on premade

    This is the only SS I took and it was of the second match. GG's all around. The 600k dream is still alive maybe next time :)
  11. imacheeser

    Had enough here is your poll on BMs

    you claim it being toxic but I claim it truth, sorry you cant handle it pleb and you as well pleb cipe
  12. imacheeser

    Had enough here is your poll on BMs

    But seriously this is just a site, and nothing here will improve the actual bracket's state. What is this light? nothing will improve bracket? You're the one that's suppose to fix it. I mean honestly with this comment you just made you really don't deserve the title you have. I mean look at...
  13. imacheeser

    Had enough here is your poll on BMs

    light YOU'RE LEVEL 21 how can you be bracket manager for lvl 20s?!?! get off your fake high horse bro. I mean for Christ sakes look at the freaking poll you got like 7 votes compared to burgs 21 lol. the community has spoken and the leaders on TI should respect the community. GeeGee
  14. imacheeser

    Had enough here is your poll on BMs

    im going to call laurasia because cipes post offends me and its obnoxious and hurtful
  15. imacheeser

    29 Wargame

    bump, need more people to sign up plz
  16. imacheeser

    Had enough here is your poll on BMs

    So I find this quite insane. So basically I make a similar post and the communist Laurasia comes in and locks all my posts because I was rude, obnoxious, and hurtful. This is honestly a very hilarious. This poll basically shows that no one wants turtle and we all know this hurts his feelings...
  17. imacheeser

    The man has given it to me

    light. if anyone owes burg an apology its you. all you do is copy and paste everything he says and does and call it your own. you are literally a joke in this bracket and no one looks up to you at all. in the original post about bracket manager burg was mentioned 5x more than you. you don't...
  18. imacheeser

    The man has given it to me

    So ive recently been doing a lot of protesting against our current bracket manager, ive made several post and comments about said person. So in one of my posts someone made the suggestion to make a pole to let the people speak. So instead of continuing to protest and make posts about our...
  19. imacheeser

    Test Subject Sign up September 12th

    The Twenty League: F2P and Vet Balance Rules and Restrictions. Feedback Helps! Started by ßurg, 08-26-2015 10:10 PM this is what you copied and pasted light....