111 is better for BFA enchants but you get a weapon enchant for free as a DK. I like 111 for World PvP personally but if you rather do PVE then make sure you dont level into 111 pass 10% so all the mobs in BFA scale to 110 and not 111. Easier to kill.
Well the news of 8.2 I might be stopping my Weekly Mythic ABT clears. Between Xp off/on BG queues, Them already trying to nerf 110-119 twinks, now with the 95% expereince nerf. Blizzard has fully devolved into the Micro-Transaction monster that is Activision.
I have a warrior I am working on for speed clears of old content. Was wondering what was the best gear / trinkets to get to increase speed for dungeon running.
Who was Conq and why did he become an admin, make all these rules, then suddenly disappear? Talking about trying to make Twinking an E-Sport and all this shit. Somebody give me a TLDR to why this dude was even important to begin with?
Fuck all you snitch boot lickers. Glitching behind walls and being able to cast / attack while you are LOS was an exploit. Bringing world bosses to Cities killing EVERYBODY was fun game play and clever use of mechanics? Of course F2P and Vet 20s dont give a shit about this, I wonder why...
Well I am glad some of you downvoted and kept it low enough for it to filter into the oblivion that is the second page. I just didnt want it to gain that much traction and get upvoted to the point of catching blizzards attention. I am sure it is but clearly low on the totem pole.