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  1. Zergy

    Selling Mythic ABT Carries for Twinks. / Freehold farming for boosting.

    Freehold boosting isnt a thing anymore since 8.2 boss. Only selling Mythic ABT Carrys now.
  2. Zergy

    Winning at 110

    Thats not true at all but whatever you say champ!
  3. Zergy

    Winning at 110

    Why dont you have a 2-piece tier 21? Is it not worth it for ret?
  4. Zergy

    Selling Mythic ABT Carries for Twinks. / Freehold farming for boosting.

    Its 30,000 a run. Takes me about 30 mintues. I bring what ever your armor type is to feed you loot / relics / rings / trinkets ect... I remove people and they get saved to my lockout, who dont trade you "in reason" high titanforges. I only take gold on Illdian, KJ, Tich, Mal'Ganis, Zul'jin...
  5. Zergy

    One shotting 120s the easy way

    wasent asking that brother. Was wondering how you target and use items on players in a Sanctuary like how the Darkportal when you enter Outland, Shattrah, and both Dalarans?
  6. Zergy

    One shotting 120s the easy way

    Dalaran is a sanctuary how do you target players?
  7. Zergy

    Selling Mythic ABT Carries for Twinks. / Freehold farming for boosting.

    I can work something out with you. What servers do you have gold on US?
  8. Zergy

    EU+US 110 - List of the "Higher ilvl"

    I think the WoW armory isnt showing certain legion legendarys for some weird reason right now.
  9. Zergy

    EU+US 110 - List of the "Higher ilvl" Here is my 111 with a 52 necklace at 269-270 depending on what trinket I use. I host Weekly clears of Mythic Antorus and charge 110s/111 to come but I stack the groups with their gear slot and have people trade high titan forges...
  10. Zergy

    EU+US So with new changes to gems and that 110 or 111

    111 DH here. World pvp is what kept me Subbed to BFA with my Twink. You arent going to 1-2 shot people but with some skill and food buffs, Living Action/Speed Potions,, and many other tricks. We RAPE 120s to a new #metoo movement.
  11. Zergy

    US Sexy Endgame Mogs
  12. Zergy

    New Speed Twink 110 or 111

    I have a friend who has a 111 Warrior speed twink. Let me know what you guys think.
  13. Zergy

    DH twinking (and twinking in general) Dont have 295 peices and no Mythic Legion dungeon gives me problems. Also @villiansv what is your Bnet tag. i do world pvp all the time and still eat 120s. Good fun.
  14. Zergy

    Ulduar Timewalking.

    Each boss gives 250 azerite and 5 Timewalking Badges. Due to the scaling of your character to level 80 stats to meet the raid, haste takes a big hit. However with food buffs / potions / gear with a little more haste then normal. You will top meters with your 110/111/119 Twink. No questions...
  15. Zergy

    Selling Mythic ABT Carries for Twinks. / Freehold farming for boosting.

    Hey boss add me. IKMongo#1377 We can get you into a Run tonight. I can bring my Dk and other Plate to feed you loot.
  16. Zergy

    Nazjatar and You

    Sounds like cancer going there then. Is there any benefit? 120s are getting harder to kill in world pvp with the item level going up.
  17. Zergy

    Nazjatar and You

    Are the Trash mobs all scaled to you or are they 120?
  18. Zergy

    XP off nerf?

    You can also at the risk of not triggering people on this site who Twink but cry about "Exploits" You can make a premade group. Go to freehold. Pull everything and then leave party and kill it all. The person will still get XP.
  19. Zergy

    Selling Mythic ABT Carries for Twinks. / Freehold farming for boosting.

    I am doing a few runs this week after the hype of 8.2 is dwindling down. Let me know if you guys have any Twinks needing some lats minute pieces of Mythic ABT gear :)