Search results

  1. 2v2 Tournament 3rd of December

    Best of luck my lovelies.
  2. Mastery available at lvl 78 (down from 80) in legion

    Lets hope there are lots and lots of gf'd gear so i can feel special :)))))) ( for once in my life :( )
  3. QUE at 9 PM today!

    I think he meant que skirmish, or que for auction house or que for bank or someting
  4. @Nairh

    20s looks like so much fun!!!!!
  5. Pizza's Gmail Hacked

    Ban for Honor buddy pls
  6. Does this not look it was made from powerpoint or somesht

    It's better than I can do ( :) )
  7. Account-wide tabards?

    Does this mean that in legion my 70s will have tabard of arcane, fury and flame :)))???
  8. Open70 - Funding level 70 twinks!

    good luck mes amis
  9. Hunter PvE

    nerd alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  10. Which faction need more?

    PREACH IT GURL!!!!!!!!!!111one
  11. Why are ferals Banned?

    wow pls start streaming i want to see some QUALITY gameplay!! tich me ur skilz
  12. This bracket needs a bracket manager - thoughts?

    so if he stopped making them because he isn't bracket manager... who is going to make events??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. Bgs every night 20:00

    Alliance missing those key bg classes such as healers and boomkins
  14. EU+US Outdated 70's Armory List

    I don't really play this game anymore so I don't know when i'll be adding more people to this. #uni lyf3
  15. EU+US Outdated 70's Armory List

    Hey guys. As the bracket had its first xp-on BGs for quite a while tonight, it's safe to say the bracket is slowly growing. I have therefore decided to create an up-to-date armory thread to make gearing new character/specs a lot easier whilst also making the information a lot more accessible...
  16. 70 EU Arenatournament [Week 4] - Sign Up Thread

    nice sig!!!!!1
  17. Tournament Poll

    Or put a poll to 2v2 or 3v3 tournament. 3v3 would be a lot more entertaining because non-rogue/priest comps have a chance then ))
  18. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    <sesame street> vs <Ante Amanthe> RBGS )))
  19. Bgs - New guild HORDE

    I might move my, oh wait, no horde chars ;_;
  20. Cute selfies from the BG event today!! :)

    These ARE cute :))