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  1. Earlwing

    MoP BiS Arms Warrior

    Spell hit cap is 15 in this bracket
  2. Earlwing

    Trying something new

  3. Earlwing

    Movements - The Horde Version

    lol, dat shoulder mog.... totally f2p ;)
  4. Earlwing

    Price Check on Unearthed Bands. Aerie Peak (A)

    Mk, that's about what I figured. If anyone's interested, shoot me an offer!
  5. Earlwing

    Quality of Customer Service.

    Read the op
  6. Earlwing

    Price Check on Unearthed Bands. Aerie Peak (A)

    nah, just 9 stam 6 agi 6 crit i think.
  7. Earlwing

    Quality of Customer Service.

    I've always been pretty satisfied with the customer service until recently. It's just my last 4-5 tickets that I've really had problems with.
  8. Earlwing

    Quality of Customer Service.

    Has anyone else noticed a steep decline in the quality of service from the GMs, as of late? This isn't just on my F2P account, but on my retail as well. Every ticket I've opened in the last few months has been answered well past the estimated time, and always when I'm offline. I even had a...
  9. Earlwing

    [MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

    Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide I think the magic number is 13 for draenei, and humans/dwarfs with expertise bonus. Getting capped for HoJ is not possible or practical. Just cap for regular spells and hope RNG is on your side.
  10. Earlwing

    Questions & Answers

    Is it ok to send a rude PM to someone on TI, because they fished from the same pool as you during the fishing contest? Or is that some form of harassment?
  11. Earlwing

    [MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

    Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide You're well over hit cap
  12. Earlwing

    Music thread for ure gaming !

    Johnny Cash - Walkin The Blues - YouTube
  13. Earlwing

    [MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

    Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide I haven't been spell capping on my prot while FCing. Link me your armory and I'll tell you the best way with your current setup!
  14. Earlwing

    Price Check on Unearthed Bands. Aerie Peak (A)

    Unearthed Bands - Item - World of Warcraft Just curious.... Might sell, if the price is right. Aerie Peak Alliance.
  15. Earlwing

    biggest pvp crit

    1.9k shield slam on a druid efc with zerk and stacks. Not sure how many though. My war has 120 str.
  16. Earlwing

    The Battle for Southshore: Cross Realm WPvP Event

    I'm going to apologize beforehand for the offense, derailment, and inevitable deletion of this post! Kincaide, I'm sorry man, but you have been on a mean streak lately. Just about everything you post now is a condescending put-down or rejection of an opinion, masked with elegant wording...
  17. Earlwing

    Your Greatest Moment

  18. Earlwing

    Hardest and easiest f2p class to play

    I disagree with Mialo when it comes to Hpal skillcap. While their kit is very forgiving, and they are the strongest class overall, imo, I think that a lot of people underestimate the potential of an hpal with someone skilled at the helm. Unlike every other healer in the bracket, they do oom...
  19. Earlwing

    [MOP] Earl's F2P Paladin Guide

    Re: Earl's F2P Paladin Guide Dem 3k FoL crits.