New M+ Season Socket Rings


What rings are going to be available in the up-coming M+ season? And will we be able to use the setting on them?
From what I understand any dungeon in the current M+ rotation will be able to use
I do not know this, BUT, I am assuming the crafted mechagon rings will still be better than anything below. *Edit: For a level 11.
The dungeons will be:

Rings from those dungeons are:
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It's a shame mechagon is heroic/mythic only...if the settings work on those I guess they will only be useful for lvl 50 twinks.
It's a shame mechagon is heroic/mythic only...if the settings work on those I guess they will only be useful for lvl 50 twinks.
Considering that Heroic/Mythic Siege of Boralus currently requires level 80 to enter (in season 1)... Probably not even them.
im actually of the mind that M+ scaling logic will scale it all the way down to 10/20. SoB was able to be entered and the gear scaled to 20s. Hoping that Mechagon will follow suit
So... I did some pre-farming of ToP as an experiment.
Grabbed a few different rings on a few different toons AHEAD of time, to see if they become viable upon the instance's introduction in S2.

We'll see if it was Worth in, oh... 6 hours or so, I reckon.

Anyone have intel if we'll be able to get into ?
Elsewise, the only real options for us come S2 will be: from MUTHALOAD
& , , & All from ToP.
Theater of Pain lvl 10/11 rings

Theater of Pain lvl 20 rings

Motherload ring (lvl 10/11/20)
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So... I did some pre-farming of ToP as an experiment.
Grabbed a few different rings on a few different toons AHEAD of time, to see if they become viable upon the instance's introduction in S2.

We'll see if it was Worth in, oh... 6 hours or so, I reckon.

Anyone have intel if we'll be able to get into ?
Elsewise, the only real options for us come S2 will be: from MUTHALOAD
& , , & All from ToP.
Season 2 starts March 4th

My assumption is that prefarmed gear will be ineligible for jewelers settings
Freshly acquired Footbomb Championship Rings are now eligible for sockets. Operation: Mechagon rings saved from last week are not. Entering Operation: Mechagon currently ports directly into the workshop with level 80 mobs (for my level 60 char that happened to be there to test with) and no way back to the first half, so I won't be getting anything from there to test at the moment. I'll leave ToP to ya'll.

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I do confirm that previously farmed rings from NW still can get the socket

Has anyone returned to NW since the patch to see if newly acquired rings are eligible?
Was thinking about that, I have a new toon parked out in front of there that I just ran out of steam on last night.
Something tells me that they won't upgrade tho.
Hi all thanks for this. Part of all the really interesting bits i am trying to catch upon after 3yrs in absentia.

2 questions, apologies if theyve been answered here, elsewhere or are just researchable, i didnt really ever touch pve back in the day, might as well tap the font of knowledge the gods of my world provide!

- I have pulled a bonus socket on a ring, will it still be able to have an extra 2 added or is there a max limit of 2 ?

- how long have I got before the mythic list changes to a new season? (And treble checking the confirmation that even after the rotation ill be able to add to ToP rings when i sub)

(To clarify, i am at lvl20 vet)

Anyway, back to spamming Shield of the Righteous, thanks in advance.
Hi all thanks for this. Part of all the really interesting bits i am trying to catch upon after 3yrs in absentia.

2 questions, apologies if theyve been answered here, elsewhere or are just researchable, i didnt really ever touch pve back in the day, might as well tap the font of knowledge the gods of my world provide!

- I have pulled a bonus socket on a ring, will it still be able to have an extra 2 added or is there a max limit of 2 ?

- how long have I got before the mythic list changes to a new season? (And treble checking the confirmation that even after the rotation ill be able to add to ToP rings when i sub)

(To clarify, i am at lvl20 vet)

Anyway, back to spamming Shield of the Righteous, thanks in advance.
Maximum 2 sockets.

3rd season of this expansion, 11.2 patch, early summer, so end of june at the earliest.

3rd season of this expansion, 11.2 patch, early summer, so end of june at the earliest.
So the cadence of WoW patches is fairly predictable. It's usually 8 weeks for a minor release and we have 11.1.5 and 11.1.7 to go through before 11.2. Looking at the roadmap, 11.1.7 includes Turbulent Timeways (again). That's a minimum of 6 weeks. We also know 11.1.5 launches May 20. I would say that puts 11.2 at August 12 at the absolute earliest. And it may not be until early September. Mid-to-late August seems like a safe bet.

We also know that Midnight isn't in this roadmap. Assume a 2026 release and a major patch lasting 6 months then August seems like a fairly safe bet.

We're almost certainly not getting an 11.3 this expansion.

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