I'll be making a toon for this! My main goal would be like 10v10 WSG premades though, and I want to play alliance. Maybe I can help get the Ally side up and running? Old Wargasm head here and 60 ;) @Delayed @judiscpriest
I may not make it tonight. I have my other hobby to attend to this afternoon, Sprint is a busy time for it. Good luck to those who do!

@Mutando I will be transfering one of my Alliance toons over there soon. After all, Korgath is one of my original servers.

Weekly Update.

Guild continues to grow. Always looking for more! Never to late to hop on korgath and level a character. Last week we cleared BWL and are moving to AQ40 this week. Friday we will attempt to get as many of our horde and ally toons together to queue for AV and try to get some games poppin. We have really been slacking on our alliance side, Sundays have become ally booster day where we all hop on ally side and level our toons. Good week.
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Short update this week. Raiding every Sat 6pm (PST) guild continues to grow. Started AQ40 last lock out got to twins, will work on AQ40 again this week. Looking to set up more pvp events with prizes here in the future. Also some members have started a 70 twink guild here on korgath called "it was the lagg" if your looking for a 70 experience. Looking good 4 weeks in still going strong. Never to late to join!

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