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  • You could always just sleep with whoever did win it, and get a quick payday.
    Oh jeez, time to jump on WoW and see the changes. Been busy with stuff last few weeks. Here goes nothing!
    I like free. Now the question is, can it be gotten on F2P? o_O....It would appear so!
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    Reactions: Sketchbag
    I have some of the other "watch streams" rewards on my F2P account, so its very likely.
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    Reactions: Zemmix
    I'm hoping so. Now, I rarely like to use flying mounts on toons that aren't flying - I prefer ground for ground. But just to have? Yes, please.

    Plus, I'd prob make a second Twitch account to get all of them on my main, too. Cause why not? Free.
    Been curious of that, as well. Those new talent trees look the best since WoTLK.
    In all seriousness, I've been having a good deal of fun with the Brewfest stuff.
    It's worked well for me for the last.......several major patches and expansions.
    Pirates Day, the best holiday, today in WoW. :)
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    Reactions: ZenwØw
    I don't think I've ever seen anybody typo Hallow's End that hard :eek:
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    Reactions: Zemmix
    Best mini-holiday, I should clarify. xD
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    Reactions: ohti
    Meh, my method won't work since you need to actually have the same license (IE your f2p acc) for the Classic to share.
    *scratches head* One could get the the DK start zone free mount on a F2P account if you wanted.....Nevermind, can't do. >.>
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    Reactions: Dragpz
    And how would one do that??
    I still have to! I wasn't planning on WoTLK Classic given the changes and insanity of the servers, but hey...free mount? Yeah dude.
    Err...Legion, I think? You mean when stuff like Fitzsimmons Belt was BIS due to ilevel? Either legion or very early BFA.
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