Warlord Daboo Feb 26, 2018 My Warrior is 29 now, will be gearing him soon! Wrath of Warlords is recruiting all brackets besides 19s!! Get in here!
My Warrior is 29 now, will be gearing him soon! Wrath of Warlords is recruiting all brackets besides 19s!! Get in here!
Warlord Daboo Feb 25, 2018 @Leek thanks homie! I'll have my War at 29 and prob have a 20 hunter for when I'm out of game time lmao
@Leek thanks homie! I'll have my War at 29 and prob have a 20 hunter for when I'm out of game time lmao
Warlord Daboo Feb 24, 2018 Dominated a 5 Surv 3 Disc team that ALLIANCE was running last night, easy work
Warlord Daboo Feb 24, 2018 Looking to lvl my War to 29 to bring some more activity to Wrath of Warlords, is War good at 29??
Warlord Daboo Feb 20, 2018 I assasinated "Stabatha" in Redridge last night, planted a Warlords flag on em, and Screenshotted, SS coming later today
I assasinated "Stabatha" in Redridge last night, planted a Warlords flag on em, and Screenshotted, SS coming later today
Warlord Daboo Feb 14, 2018 @Holythane so I have 54k on my main twink, you mean I'd have one saying 50k or so?
Warlord Daboo Feb 11, 2018 Good to see xpoff back live, fuck those grimey haters, everyone wanna be famous lmao
Warlord Daboo Sep 18, 2017 Warlords of Warsong is an active twink guild on Bleeding Hollow US realm, looking for more active twinks to join our growing community!
Warlords of Warsong is an active twink guild on Bleeding Hollow US realm, looking for more active twinks to join our growing community!
Warlord Daboo Aug 22, 2017 Guild master of Warlords of Warsong and Founder of The Brotherhood of Banners. Daboo#11580 is my Btag
Guild master of Warlords of Warsong and Founder of The Brotherhood of Banners. Daboo#11580 is my Btag