Recent content by Thrano

  1. DF, did the campaign

    I agree with some points. DF definitely is the peak of our characters being a bystander to a story of questionable expertise. It's something I always harp on when discussing quest design. WoW would always have benefitted from some player agenda in the questing experience. Steady Flight being...
  2. Why is 30 not more popular? It's superior to any other twink bracket in terms of scalable content

    That's why it's called 30s. It is - of course - the superior bracket. So why is it not popular? Okay this is really hard to describe without expletives. It is popular. Lots of people come in, get their BiS according to an excel sheet and... leave, raidlogging at best. Because their power...
  3. i foresee a i huge squish incoming after TWW

    Soon, mages will actually roll 1d4 for their starting hp again. We're coming full circle back to AD&D
  4. portals not working?

    Don't you go insulting Hobbits like that.
  5. i foresee a i huge squish incoming after TWW

    I faintly remember an interview addressing this from around Blizzcon. They said they'd be fine without a squish until Midnight but it's inevitable. Maybe future squishes will hit only from higher levels upwards instead of affecting everything.
  6. F2P Iceberg

    It's a niche website that provides a link to the Discord.
  7. How to one-shot boses (Vanilla up to WoD)

    So uh... Potion Bombs for 20s with access to AH. 69(nice)k damage per bomb and can crit. I wanna say subject to change and Snowflake will put a level requirement on all those consumables, but... maybe not.
  8. turn off XP at 70 (retail)

    Turns out it was a bug and has been hotfixed.
  9. Timerunners please check and make sure your stats transfered

    Can we get a clown emoticon for the boards?
  10. This patch sucks for dungeon soloer

    Balancing team lad A: "I bet you a vegan burger you won't dare to nerf SV." Balancing team lad B:"Fuck it, let's destroy 'em. Actually, know what? I'll fucking do it again."
  11. Prepatch event

    There's a chance the currency will be converted into gold after the event is over. Maybe.
  12. The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    USER ALERT: Quarantine measures, Status: Failed. Activating containment protocol: Poors
  13. Avoiding XP in other games / WTB Final Fantasy 14 (FFXIV) account

    There is also the option of locking your level in LotRO in the form of a trinket purchaseable off the in-game store (though you can get the necessary currency by playing the game). The flow of the game is a bit odd so I never got far into it.
  14. The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    Oh, I forgot, no auction house. Uh, no idea.
  15. The War Within - Changes to Gear, gems, enchants and pots.

    Nono, it's the normal epic wrath single stat gems. Cardinal Rubies and the like.