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  • NA can't log into game, gets stuck at logging in to game server. lots of people have same issue.
    I hate that tomorrow is going to be a 8 hour downtime....
    if you got nothing to do tomorrow you can stay up until 7 and by the time you wake up itll be like the downtime never happened
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    Reactions: Sun
    logged on the ptr all my characters have engineering removed. isnt like that on beta tho.
    to be safe, 39s might want to hit 300 in their primaries prior to patch (under the assumption that having wotlk recipes off live will enable them to bypass the usual northrend prof lvl requirement of 58)
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    Reactions: Sun
    checked 19 on ptr & that character also still has engi, the wotlk version at that. i also just dropped engi & wotlk version is still learnable (at 19) on ptr
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    Reactions: Sun
    I wonder why it was removed on my chats, may need to do a fresh copy. But i checked 2 of my characters
    uh humidity is high in florida always except in the winter time.
    why does obi get to jump above maul ftw, but anakin can't do the same to obi i'll never understand.
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    Reactions: Warlord Daboo
    Obi mastered ALL forms of lightsaber weaponry. Both offense, defense, ALL stances and techniques.
    Obi is legit the GOAT with a lightsaber cuz of his all around saber awareness. Maul was only an Offensive minded jedi...
    Obi was a padawan, qui-gon was a master, Darth maul kills a master then loses to a padawan when he had the high ground.
    at least you spelt qui-gon correctly...
    i hope it works out for you conq. regardless of their personal views on you. they shouldnt get away with it.
    the line was drawn when mi amigos got shit stolen. they think they holed up, and going to get away. hell hath no fury like a blazing sun.
    what really burns me up is seeing all my posts on that site, knowing damn well i never been there ever to post anything.
    main war 9/9 , druid 7/9 waiting on 1 more blue box for druid crossfingers lol
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