Sponsor Aug 8, 2017 Aren't they just gonna be the same ones from last year, cheaper too! Still nice given I wasn't there back then
Aren't they just gonna be the same ones from last year, cheaper too! Still nice given I wasn't there back then
Sponsor Aug 2, 2017 Shoutout to the 100-109 subforums. You guys are an exemplary bunch, helping each other around. Thank you to all the vet 101s. Keep it up!
Shoutout to the 100-109 subforums. You guys are an exemplary bunch, helping each other around. Thank you to all the vet 101s. Keep it up!
Sponsor Jul 26, 2017 @snug aight she told me to go to physiotherapy ASAP and ask if they can get it shockwaved
Sponsor Jul 24, 2017 My gf is a physiotherapist. I'll ask what kind of exercises you can do to help rehabilitate that ligament
My gf is a physiotherapist. I'll ask what kind of exercises you can do to help rehabilitate that ligament
Sponsor Jul 17, 2017 I used to use them, wasn't banned... yet... to be fair the only macro I used was "W + space bar" for walls jumps lel.
I used to use them, wasn't banned... yet... to be fair the only macro I used was "W + space bar" for walls jumps lel.
Sponsor Jul 5, 2017 @Nocontest what were you previous names? I've been in the 20 braacket for a while and dont recognize this one! and gratz btw!! :D
@Nocontest what were you previous names? I've been in the 20 braacket for a while and dont recognize this one! and gratz btw!! :D