Recent content by Reroll

  1. Reroll

    EU+US The possibility of soloing/tanking a Faction leader/boss.

    Another minor update, I tried and failed miserably at bronzebeard. Way to many guards, could be good for an aoe based class maybe...
  2. Reroll

    EU+US The possibility of soloing/tanking a Faction leader/boss.

    I noticed that with the ignore pain feature and various other warrior tanking abilities... You can "easily" tank most 110+ enemy's PvE wise... I was able to stay in combat with Anduin until 60% of his health remained then I was killed by a 110 DK, this was with the class hall greens as well so...
  3. Reroll

    EU+US Listen up.

    Delet this
  4. Reroll

    EU+US [Updated] Armory List

    Only play legion for the 101's. Enh Sham: 820 Fury War: 795/808
  5. Reroll

    EU+US The Power of 101.

    Alright so heres the problem, I was gunna post a bunch of content and screenshots of me beating 110s/footage but my computer had a seizure and now half of my programs are gone...thus, wow and my screenshot folder was one of them. Rip. Instead here is my twink, not amazing content but hey, I'm...
  6. Reroll

    EU+US The Power of 101.

    Gotta post a second time, ill post actual content on my third post...
  7. Reroll

    EU+US The Power of 101.

    Would love to post a link of my armory and some screenshots of fighting 110s and winning or even a video, but I have to wait for the 2 post limit even though i'm a user from the old twinkinfo site...Loving it.
  8. Reroll

    Current state of TI

    I actually stopped using this site for about 2 years in mop then came back with the same signature and was banned for having said signature...I immediately left the site again and haven't returned since today...I haven't read through this thread at all except the main post but I assure you this...
  9. Reroll

    Game changer. Foodbuff that does damage.

    Is there an updated list of what buffs you can have? I know we got the old one but what about an updated one?
  10. Reroll

    Game changer. Foodbuff that does damage.

    Ah gotcha, sorry didn't know, I don't twink anymore so I have no idea about half the stuff.
  11. Reroll

    New food that does damage. Gamechanger.

    Hi guys long time no see, it's been a few years and I doubt any of you are still around from then, but I have a trick I found on my level 9 twink rogue id like to share with you all.
  12. Reroll

    Game changer. Foodbuff that does damage.

    This food I found has no level req. and does insane damage. On my rogue it procs constantly at 125% haste, it deals about 300 damage on a volley. Combine this with elemental force, you will pull dps that will make level 30s look at you. Felmouth Frenzy - Item - World of Warcraft
  13. Reroll

    Blizzard Hates Twinks 5.4.7

    Sorry for the late reply I was at a funeral, as I was saying, they are nerfing a large amount of items that are based around buffs (the reason for this is because of the scroll abuse that was widespread) but more than just the scrolls will be nerfed,(no im not mad about the scroll fix, it needed...
  14. Reroll

    Blizzard Hates Twinks 5.4.7

    But how many of thiese little changes before there is nothing left...Its been nothing but downhill since Cata, and mop we really got hit hard, sure we got back our leg chants but think of the rest of the stuff we lost...
  15. Reroll

    Blizzard Hates Twinks 5.4.7

    Seriously, they are taking away the holiday health buffs and nerfing a lot of items/buffs that are obtainable at this level, not to mention the resilence issues, item scaling, enchant scaling, even 90s are complaining about the upcoming patch, I hope to god it does not go live. I mean most twink...