Recent content by Papasmustach

  1. EU+US Just found one of my old twinks.
  2. EU+US Just found one of my old twinks.

    It is a Paladin Brigand's Pauldrons Raptor Hunter's Tunic Racing Grips Seal of Sylvanis Forcestone Buckler I found another old druid with Deadmans Hand. Ah the old days.
  3. US Official LGBT Armory Thread

    Actually your birth certificate does not determine your gender your either X/X or X/Y. There is not other determination that matters.
  4. 19 Legion Gear Prep Guide

    If that were true then being naked would hurt you. People have already said being naked would not count you to zero.
  5. 19 Legion Gear Prep Guide

    So why cant I just find a Neck with Ilevel 100 and nothing else. Average Ilevel = 100
  6. A change in 'bracketmaster' and the long term future of the 39 bracket.

    Thinking of starting a 39 guild on BleedingHollow. Ally or Horde? NO Enh Shaman or Feral Druid. Gold is not a problem. It has been a long time since I played a 39 twink. If anyone wants to join in and help let me know.
  7. 20-29s Armory List

    29 Protection Paladin. This was an old twink that I am making new again. I am removing all gear that can no longer be gotten and replacing with best in slot. I should be done by Sept. 1st. 2015. Protection Paladin is not going...
  8. Fastest SFK Farming Possible

    I have noticed a change in that it seems that Blizzard has placed a limit on the number of ulooted mobs you can have at once. Perhaps to stop instance farming? If you gather a huge mob you will loot less from them total than if you kill them in smaller groups.
  9. [Mists Of Pandaria] Curley's Rogue Guide

    I know this is not updated, but Red Whelp Gloves is BIS for a 19 rogue and Feral Druid.
  10. 30-39 [WotLK] 39 Mage Guide

    Good Stuff
  11. Synthax 24 Resto Druid Guide
