Magrain Jul 24, 2021 You guys think this whole situation is also a reason why WoD became what it is now?
Magrain Jul 8, 2021 Garrosh could not handle the truth that Horde has furries in it, thus he deleted himself from the game files. Fs in the chat for Hellscream.
Garrosh could not handle the truth that Horde has furries in it, thus he deleted himself from the game files. Fs in the chat for Hellscream.
Magrain Jul 3, 2021 After being dormant and silent for 4 months, I finally got my socketed glove. I shall return back in business soon! (actually nvm not yet)
After being dormant and silent for 4 months, I finally got my socketed glove. I shall return back in business soon! (actually nvm not yet)
Magrain Jul 2, 2021 Now that locks have been buffed, Blizzard please make Chaos Bolt insta cast now!!
Magrain Jul 1, 2021 I have finished Exile's Reach for more than 73 times, and I never realized I was missing the boots till like a month ago.
I have finished Exile's Reach for more than 73 times, and I never realized I was missing the boots till like a month ago.
Magrain Jun 26, 2021 Make Chaos Bolt instant cast, then the game will be 10 times better and no one will migrate to FF14.