Recent content by Fiermi

  1. I Did it! Angler Journey!

    Excellent work! I've only managed to get 660 rep with the anglers. Would you mind writing a short guide to save others time figuring out best ways to earn rep?
  2. <Stuck at Graveyard> -Bleeding Hollow (A)

    I've added all GM's listed. Currently on Frostmourne (SupaNova) but will transfer if your very active. Grievance#6931
  3. US Need help improving Ret pally, if its possible...

    In my eyes Rogues have always been the Flavor of the majority especially back in Vanilla days. I'm glad to see way more variation in classes these days as opposed to back 6-8 years ago. Nowadays they can pull rediculous ilvl even without gf stuff
  4. US Need help improving Ret pally, if its possible...

    Ok so basically I can't improve him much more.. maybe just hunting for plate mogs whilst I wait for Amelletta and guild to get back to twinking ;) Keep coming up against Bleeding Hollow twinks in random BGs. Ouch my butthole
  5. US Need help improving Ret pally, if its possible...

    Clarification please; whats fotm?
  6. US Need help improving Ret pally, if its possible...

    Hey all, So I came back to WoW after Legion launched and created a new twink in my favourite bracket of old; 29s. I use to play 19s 5 years or so ago and not long after bumped up to 29s and then stopped playing WoW. So I'm back and I've been reading up and grinding as much gear for my ret pally...
  7. EU+US back to twinking

    Hi Amelletta, I am also from Aus and am looking for a twink guild for my char on Barth which I can transfer to Frostmourne provided there is a good guild, are you horde or alliance? Feel free to add me Grievance#6931 or PM me Update: Found SupaNova in Guild Finder and have sent a recruit...