Recent content by Datoneer

  1. PTR SL Beta 1 Twink Info

    Heads up, not sure if discussed yet but they turned on Character Copies yesterday. I copied my 20 Twink and This happened.
  2. Patch Day Queue times

    There you have it. Thew upside, I dont have to run 1000 Timewalking anymore.
  3. Patch Day Queue times

    Sub runs out April 2nd. Was going to continue but not now. See y'all in classic We can thank this group. Queuing up as a premade with twinks is just completely fucking stupid.
  4. Patch Day Queue times

    That is what I am afraid has happened. I hope it is just people busy on patch day playing their 120's
  5. Patch Day Queue times

    Anyone else having exceptionally long queue's today after the patch?
  6. US 119 (Only) Armory List (Ally MM Hunter)
  7. So out with it, I know you're here

    No, it was a good hearted thread about playing against other Twinks. It morphed into complaints about Twinks grouping up and doing Pre-mades. That IMO is fucking stupid and is a fast track to getting blizz to separate us from the rest again.
  8. So out with it, I know you're here

    Again, if you guys keep this shit up Queuing in premades Blizz will do something about it. These are the worst offenders. Always together in BG's
  9. So out with it, I know you're here

    Twinking is fun until you run into more twinks.... I hate you.
  10. 110 Quick Start Guide [BfA]

    Hello first post here. I have a 119 that I followed this guide to get 300 Azerite gear. After I turned off XP I finished each zone and did the Dungeon quest at the end of each zone. When I did that all the Azerite gear from Dungeon bosses is now 295 and the Azerite gear from Rares is also 295...