Recent content by Dannymcbride

  1. Dannymcbride

    Pregaming A War Within Cross-Faction/Cross-Realm 10s Guild

    Sounds like a good idea, il give it a try.
  2. Dannymcbride

    10s Armory List 10 shaman Letsgetiton, still goin to transfer him get last ferw rewards, just havin to much fun on SOD atm. awesome job gettin armory up n going +
  3. Dannymcbride


  4. Dannymcbride

    The War Within Level 21-29s Armory 29 mage Energon
  5. Dannymcbride

    Lvl 1 - 9 Armory

    added, did u want his achievement points added too?
  6. Dannymcbride

    , , ,

    ive been re-gearin still got a long way togo. my question is ive got a heart of azeroth rank 80- ilvl 137, wats max that the neck can go now or is a WF neck way to go now.
  7. Dannymcbride

    WTS BiS Warforged twink gear (Any level between 10-60) EU

    saying things like this is misleading for a person that would pay 75k for a WF item, alot of us have stird the pot saying "got it in 5 runs or 50 runs", but we know we are shit stirring. only people that would pay 75k for WF are people that would buy belle delphine bath water, and probably cant...
  8. Dannymcbride

    WTS BiS Warforged twink gear (Any level between 10-60) EU

    ♦ Warforged item: 75k Gold
  9. Dannymcbride

    Are you DF ready? Last minute advice thread for 29s

    yeah gear needs to be nerfed, 112ilvl is too much, 7k hp, 2k shield, and if you have 4k or less HP chances are il 1shot you. the bracket is phucked unlless there is nerfs to gear.
  10. Dannymcbride

    Interesting gear/dungeon update just rolled onto the beta...

    i hope everyone isnt only farming TOC, there also option from FOS POS HOR, Example - pos toc
  11. Dannymcbride

    Staff of Jordan?

    save your gold, if DF beta goes live there going to be alot better options, the GF version is only good on lvl 1's on Beta.
  12. Dannymcbride

    Dragonflight Stat Squish

    v 29 on live, 3,056 HP, missiles hit for 1,019 Dmg. 20 on live 1,837 HP, missiles hit for 733 Dmg. 29 on Beta, 2,329 HP. 20 on Beta, 1,210 HP.
  13. Dannymcbride

    Dragonflight Stat Squish

    after the latest build on Beta, i used my 20 v 29 mage in my sig. v v v same builds. plus on 29 you can get Arcane power, 29's for a mage.
  14. Dannymcbride

    10's in WOTLK

    any1 making a 10 in WOTLK? im making up my 10 shaman again "letsgetiton" could we get a 10 section to plz.
  15. Dannymcbride

    Lvl 1 - 9 Armory

    there insane, like seeing 2 tasmanian tigers. edit - Added