Daltert Moropi Dec 4, 2020 - i'd much rather not be beaten up by either side at this point. sorry in advance.
Daltert Moropi Dec 4, 2020 sadly still gonna still say no to that, even when there's evidence of multiple states are deciding to do a recount other than Georgia -
sadly still gonna still say no to that, even when there's evidence of multiple states are deciding to do a recount other than Georgia -
Daltert Moropi Dec 4, 2020 welp, since the "2020 election" tread is locked. i might need to make a part 2, since the Georgia live stream suggests a recount.
welp, since the "2020 election" tread is locked. i might need to make a part 2, since the Georgia live stream suggests a recount.
Daltert Moropi Dec 1, 2020 ... when they kick your character off of the armory list for being to overpowered.
Daltert Moropi Nov 24, 2020 Next wave of covid is nigh and we’ll see the same effect again earlier this year.
Daltert Moropi Nov 24, 2020 Those people have more problems elsewhere than picking off some random people they meet on the internet. Also, pick up more toilet paper.
Those people have more problems elsewhere than picking off some random people they meet on the internet. Also, pick up more toilet paper.
Daltert Moropi Nov 3, 2020 Well today is the final day for this presidential candidacy to finish. Then we can stop talking about it.
Well today is the final day for this presidential candidacy to finish. Then we can stop talking about it.
Daltert Moropi Oct 31, 2020 After watching the one ad from trump... I’d say so. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DgLxjp8ylCA
Daltert Moropi Oct 22, 2020 hey, can one of the mods move my, "The Renaissance of the 20s is here", to SL 20. i forgot to ask earlier, please and thankyou.
hey, can one of the mods move my, "The Renaissance of the 20s is here", to SL 20. i forgot to ask earlier, please and thankyou.
Daltert Moropi Oct 17, 2020 kind of hard to make a bis list since blizz is nerfing every major find...
Daltert Moropi Oct 17, 2020 wod is pretty much mat farming once you completed the storylines. Great source for goblin gliders if you’re an engineer.
wod is pretty much mat farming once you completed the storylines. Great source for goblin gliders if you’re an engineer.
Daltert Moropi Oct 14, 2020 well i'm done farming stuff in wod. time to head over to legion, see ya there.
Daltert Moropi Oct 13, 2020 tbw, the pre-expansion for wod is up as well. just got the quests for killing cannons.