Crystalpall Aug 24, 2017 Hashbrowns, Q up for RFC and go to infinite murloc spawn in Elwynn between queues
Crystalpall Oct 24, 2016 Gnomer is oneshottable by any class @100, just need the fastest moving one. WW monk you say?
Crystalpall Oct 23, 2016 Guys, which class would solo Gnomeregan the fastest at endgame level? In WoD I used Rogue with Burst of Speed but what to use now?
Guys, which class would solo Gnomeregan the fastest at endgame level? In WoD I used Rogue with Burst of Speed but what to use now?
Crystalpall Oct 18, 2016 Brawl and xp bonus for Heroes = HS and HotS? I'm just waiting for F2P Overwatch demo
Crystalpall Sep 2, 2016 Is it just me or "class trials" lets you play permanently? I used a mage and just teleported out of the ship and I can log out in and play
Is it just me or "class trials" lets you play permanently? I used a mage and just teleported out of the ship and I can log out in and play
Crystalpall Aug 31, 2016 looking for 2 EU alliance F2P players to DPS in Old Hillsbrad raid right now
Crystalpall Aug 31, 2016 Can monks on the Wandering Isle sent there by quest chain see leveling players?
Crystalpall Aug 21, 2016 I heard they made it that if you participate in an invasion you have higher chance of WF is that true?
I heard they made it that if you participate in an invasion you have higher chance of WF is that true?
Crystalpall Aug 17, 2016 Q to a Mod - if I make a general guide for all F2P players about F2P in general (kind of summarize) could it be stickied in F2P section?
Q to a Mod - if I make a general guide for all F2P players about F2P in general (kind of summarize) could it be stickied in F2P section?